SMS Management Class

The SMS Management Class attributes provide information about the SMS management classes that have been defined.

Automatic Backup: Specifies whether objects (data sets) of this class are automatically backed up by DFHSM.

Automatic Migration: The attributes which specify whether a data set is eligible for migration by command (command) automigration (auto) both, or none.

Backup Frequency: The backup frequency specifies how many days must elapse before DFHSM can back up data sets.

Backup Versions Dataset Deleted: Specifies the number of backup versions to retain for a data set that has been deleted from primary.

Backup Versions: Specifies the number of backup versions to retain for a data set.

Command Backup: Specifies the authority level necessary to issue backup commands for data sets in the management class. Values are as follows:
  • ADMIN: the storage administrator can issue backup commands
  • USER: user can issue backup commands
  • NONE: neither storage administrators nor users can issue backup commands
Copy Technique: Copy technique specifies the method to be used when data in this class is backed-up by DFSMSdss and DFSMShsm.
  • Standard
  • Concurrent_Preferred
  • Concurrent_Required
  • Virtual_Preferred
  • Virtual_Required
  • Cache_Preferred
  • Cache_Required

Description: A storage administrator supplied description of this management class.

Expiration NonUsage: Specifies the criteria to determine when an unreferenced data set is eligible for deletion during automatic space management.

Expiration: The number of days or date when the data set or object will be deleted.

GDS Elements on Primary: Specifies how many versions of a generation data set group use the normal primary days non-usage attribute for auto space management processing.

Last Update User ID: Specifies the user ID that last updated this management class.

Last Updated: The date and time when this management class was last updated.

Managed System: The SMS name of this system.

Management Class Name: The management class name. A named collection of management attributes describing the retention, backup and class transition characteristics for a group of objects in an object storage hierarchy.

Minimum Days Level 1: Specifies the minimum number of days since the data set was referenced on primary before a data set can be migrated from level1 to level2 migration.

Minimum Days Primary: Specifies the minimum number of days since a data set on primary was last referenced before it is eligible for migration.

Partial Release: The partial release specifies the conditions under which unused allocated space is released. Values are as follows:
  • NO: no release of unused space occurs.
  • YES: space is released at space management cycle time.
  • CONDITIONAL: if a non-zero secondary space allocation has been specified, release unused space at space management time.

Retain Extra Backup Version: Specifies the number of days to retain backup version in addition to the most recent one.

Retain Only Backup Version: Specifies the number of days to retain the most recent backup version of a deleted data set. This attribute applies only to data set no longer resident on primary.

Retention Limit: The retention limit value is a required value that limits the use of retention period (RETPD) and expiration date (EXPDT) values. These values are explicitly specified in JCL, are derived from data class definitions, or are explicitly specified in the OSREQ store macro. NO LIMIT effectively causes this value to be ignored.

Rolled off GDS: The rolled-off GDS action value indicates whether to expire rolled-off GDSs or make them eligible for migration.