SMS Data Class

The SMS Data Class attributes provide information about the SMS data classes that have been defined.

Average Record Length: The average record length used for space allocation.

Compaction: Specifies whether the data sets allocated under this data class should be compressed when stored on tape or hard disk drive.

Control Area Free Space Percent: The percentage of free space to be left in the control area when it is loaded or after a CA split.

Control Area Reclaim: The CA Reclaim indicates whether the DASD space for empty CAs may be reused on z/OS® 1.12 or later systems.

Control Interval Free Space Percent: The percent of free space to be left in the control interval when it is loaded or after a CI or CA split.

Control Interval Size: The size of the control interval.

Cross Region Share Option: The amount of sharing of clusters allowed by tasks in the same system.

Cross System Share Option: The level of sharing of the data sets allocated under this data class among multiple systems.

Data Class Name: The name of the data class. A data class is a collection of allocation and space attributes, defined by the storage administrator, that are used to create a data set.

Dataset Type: The format of the data sets allocated under this data class; either PDS, PDSE, HFS, or extended.

Description: A description of the data class.

Directory Blocks: The number of directory blocks in a persistent data store.

Expiration Date: The date the data sets allocated under this data class will be expired.

Extended Addressability: Allows a VSAM data set to grow beyond four GB when allocated in the extended format.

Extent Relief: The EXTENT CONSTRAINT REMOVAL indicates whether or not a VSAM data set is allowed to go beyond the 255 extents limit.

Index Options: The options for a VSAM index.

Key Length: The length of the key in bytes.

Key Offset: The displacement, in bytes, to the key field of a KSDS.

Last Update User ID: The ID of the user who last updated this data class definition.

Last Updated: The date and time that the data class definition was updated.

Logical Record Length: The logical record length of data sets allocated under this data class.

Managed System: The SMS name of this system.

Maximum Volumes: The maximum number of volumes data sets allocated under this data class can span.

Primary Space Allocation: The primary space allocation.

Record Bias: The system specifies whether to let VSAM determine how many and which type of buffers to use when accessing VSAM extended format data sets by batch processing.

Record Format: The record format of data sets allocated under this data class.

Record Organization: The organization of data sets allocated under this data class.

Record Scaling Factor: The scaling factor used to scale the average record length.

Reduce Space Percent: The percentage by which the allocation is reduced when the first attempt fails due to space being unavailable.

Retention Days: The number of days before data sets allocated under this data class are expired.

RLS Above Bar: Indicates if the buffers associated with a VSAM cluster are to be released at close of data set. If no, then the buffers can be reused if the dataset is re-opened in an appropriate interval.

RLS Cache: The RLS CF CACHE VALUE field shows that VSAM RLS data with greater than 4K CI's defined to DFSMS CF cache structures can be cached.

Secondary Space: The number of units to allocate for secondary extents.