VTS TS7700-series Cache Container

The VTS TS7700-series Cache Container attributes provides basic information about a cache in a TS7700 tape virtualization system. All attributes in this table are derived from the "HSM - Cache Container" record of the "Hnode HSM Historical Record."

Active Hnode: Specifies whether this Hnode was the active node in charge of Tape Volume Cache (TVC) management at the end of the interval being reported.

Average Copy Throttle: Average copy throttle value during the interval. The value presented is the average of the non-zero throttling values where copy was the predominant reason for throttling. The value is reported in thousandths of a second.

Average Overall Throttle: Average of all throttling values during the interval. The calculation includes samples for periods where throttling was both zero and non-zero. The value is reported in thousandths of a second.

Average Write Overrun Throttle: Average write overrun throttle value during the interval. The value presented is the average of the non-zero throttling values where write overrun was the predominant reason for throttling. The value is reported in thousandths of a second.

Cluster ID: Hexadecimal value indicating the cluster ID. Values are 0 to 7.

Grid Library Sequence Number: Library Sequence Number of the Grid (Composite) library.

Machine Model: Machine model of the node. Initially this field is set to "V06".

Machine Serial Number: Serial number of the node. This field is left justified and padded with blanks. The format is XX-YYYYY where XX is the plant of manufacture and the YYYYY is the sequence number of the node's machine. The dash character (-) is fixed. It should be noted that there can only be one machine per-cluster.

Machine Type: Machine type of the node. Initially this field is set to "3957".

Managed System: The SMS name of this system.

Node ID: A hexidecimal field that indicates the ID of the node.

Partition Container Number: An integer value 0-7 that indicates which cache partition you are viewing.

Percent Copy Throttle: Percentage of 30-second periods where there was at least one throttling value greater than zero and that copy was the predominant reason for throttling.

Percent Write Overrun Throttle: Percentage of 30-second periods where there was at least one throttling value greater than zero and that write overrun was the predominant reason for throttling.

Timestamp: Time table row was created in CT timestamp format.

Tape Volume Cache Size: Current® size of the cluster's Tape Volume Cache (TVC) in increments of 1GB (1024 x 1024 x 1024). A TVC that is 1.7 TB in size is reported as x000006A4 (1700 decimal).

VE Code Level: Code level of the TS7700 Virtualization Engine (VE). The VE code level is expressed as Version.Release.Modification.Fix in a decimal form.