RMM Volume Details

The RMM Volume Details attributes provide data for a single RMM volume.

Account Number: User accounting information.

Assigned Date: For a MASTER or USER volume the Assigned date field specifies the date the volume was assigned to an owner. That is the date when the volume was first added or when a SCRATCH volume became a MASTER volume as a result of a nonspecific mount request.

Availability: The Availability status of the volume. Valid values are as follows:
  • Pending Release - The volume is not available.
  • On Loan - The volume is not available because it is on loan, possibly at a different site.
  • Open - The volume has been opened for a write operation and has not yet been closed.
  • Vital Record - The volume is a vital record.
  • Unknown - The availability status of the volume is not known.

Bin: The shelf location where the volume is currently stored.

Bin Media: The media type assigned to the shelf location where the volume is currently stored.

Container: Container where the volume is currently stored.

Creating Job Name: Name of the job that created the volume.

Creating System ID: ID of the system where the volume was defined to RMM.

Creation Date : Creation date of the RMM object.

Current® Location: Location where the volume is currently stored.

Current Location Type: The type of location where the volume is currently stored.
  • Shelf=0
  • Store_Builtin=1
  • Manual=2
  • Auto=3
  • Store_Bins=4
  • Store_NoBins=5

Data Set Name: Name of the data set on the volume.

Dataset Record: RMM is recording details for all data sets on the volume (YES) or just the first data set (NO). (No=0; Yes=1)

Dataset Count: Number of data sets on the volume, or sequence number for a specific data set.

Date Last Read: Date the volume was last read from.

Date Last Written: Date the volume was last written to.

Days for Retention: Number of Days Until or since (negative number) the Retention date.
  • Nonexpiring=-2147483648
  • WHILECATLG=-286331154

Days Since Assigned: Number of Days Since Assigned date.

Days Since Creation: Number of days since the volume was created.

Days Since Last Read: Number of days since the volume was last read from.

Days Since Last Written: Number of days since the volume was last written to.

Days Since Movement Tracking: Number of days since the movement tracking date.

Days Until Expiration: Number of Days Until or since (negative number) the expiration date. NonExpiring=-2147483648

Days Until Original Expiration Date: Number of Days Until or since (negative number) Original Expiration date. Nonexpiring=-2147483648

density: The recording density of the volume.
  • Undefined=0
  • 1600=1
  • 6250=2
  • 3480=3
  • Compact=4

Description: Descriptive text about the volume.

Destination Type: The type of location where the moving volume will be stored.
  • Shelf=0
  • Store_builtin=1
  • Manual=2
  • Auto=3
  • Store_Bins=4
  • Store_NoBins=5

Destination Bin Media: The media type assigned to the shelf location where the moving volume will be stored.

Destination Bin Number: The shelf location where the moving volume will be stored.

Destination Location: The name of the target location where the moving volume will be stored.

Erase on Release: Erase and initialize the volume before performing the release action. (No=0; Yes=1)

Erase Pending: Volume will be erased upon release. (No=0; Yes=1)

Expiration Date: The date on which the volume will expire and its status set to Release Pending.

Expiration Date Ignore: The expiration date of the volume is set to the current date when removed from VRS control. (No=0; Yes=1)

Home Location: The library location for the volume.

Home Location Type: The type of library location for the volume.
  • Shelf=0
  • Store_builtin=1
  • Manual=2
  • Auto=3
  • Store_Bins=4
  • Store_NoBins=5

In Transit: Volume is in transit to its destination location. (No=0; Yes=1)

Init on Release: Initialize the volume before performing the release action. (No=0; Yes=1)

Init Pending: Volume will be initialized upon release. (No=0; Yes=1)

Label Type: The label type of the volume. Values are as follows:
  • AL - ANSI Label
  • AUL - ASCII User Label
  • BLP - Bypass Label Processing
  • NL - No Label
  • SL - Standard Label
  • SUL - Standard User Label
Label Version: Version for the current label type.
  • NoVersion=0
  • Label_Version_1=1
  • Label_Version_3=3
  • Label_Version_4=4

Last Drive: Device address where the volume was last read or written.

Last Userid: Last Userid. The Last Changed by field specifies the ID of the user who last changed the details for this volume. If the volume was not last changed by a user, this field can contain one of these values:
  • *OAM - volume last updated by OAM.
  • *HKP - volume last updated by inventory management.
  • *OCE - volume last updated by automatic volume recording when read or written to

Loan Location: Location of the volume if it is on loan.

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Media Attributes: Media Attributes of the volume. Values are as follows:
  • NONE - The volume has no special attributes.
  • RDCOMPAT - This indicates that the volume was created using one recording format but might be mounted on a drive that supports that format for input processing, but another for output processing.

Media Compaction: A Compaction technique was used to record data to the volume. (Unknown=0; No=1; Yes=2)

Media Name: The Name of the volume's media.

Media Recording: The recording format of the volume.
  • Non-Cartridge=0
  • 18Trk=1
  • 36Trk=2
  • 128Trk=3
  • 256Trk=4
  • 384Trk=5
  • EFMT1=6
  • EFMT2=7
Media Type: The physical media type of the volume. Values are as follows:
  • CST - The volume is a 3480 or 3490 cartridge.
  • ECCST - Enhanced Capacity 3480 or 3490 cartridge.
  • HPCT - High Performance Cartridge Tape.
  • EHPCT - Extended High Performance Cartridge Tape
  • ETC - IBM® TotalStorage Enterprise Tape Cartridge.
  • EWTC - IBM TotalStorage WORM Enterprise Tape Cartridge.
  • EETC - IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Economy Tape Cartridge.
  • EEWTC - IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Economy WORM Tape Cartridge.
  • EXTC - IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Extended Tape Cartridge.
  • EXWTC - IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Extended WORM Tape Cartridge.

Move Mode: How the volume moves between locations. Auto=0; Manual=1

Movement Tracking Date: The date when the volume started to move between two locations or when the confirmation that the last movement had occurred was performed.

MVS™ Use: Volume can be used with the MVS operating system. (No=0; Yes=1)

Next Volume: Next Volume Serial number for multi-volume data sets.

Notify on Release: Notify the volume owner that the volume has expired. (No=0; Yes=1)

Notify Pending: Notify the owner of the volume that the volume will be released. (No=0; Yes=1)

OCE: Volume information was recorded at the last Open, Close, or EOV event. (No=0; Yes=1)

Old Bin Media: The media type assigned to the shelf location where the volume was previously stored.

Old Bin Number: The shelf location where the volume was previously stored.

Old Location: The name of the location where the volume was previously stored.

Old Location Type: The type of location where the volume was previously stored.
  • Shelf=0
  • Store_builtin=1
  • Manual=2
  • Auto=3
  • Store_Bins=4
  • Store_NoBins=5

Original Expiration Date: Expiration Date in the volume label, which might have been changed in RMM using the CHANGEVOLUME command.

Owner: ID of the owner.

Owner Access: The level of access the owner has to the volume.
  • Read=0
  • Update=1
  • Alter=2

Permanent Read Errors: Total number of permanent read errors on the volume.

Permanent Write Errors: Total number of permanent write errors on the volume.

Previous Volume: Previous Volume Serial number for multi-volume data sets.

Product Number: Number of the Product located on the volume.

Rack Number: Rack/shelf location number where the volume is located.

Release Actions: Action to take when RMM releases the volume.
  • Unknown=0
  • Scratch=8
  • Replace=7
  • Return=4

Replace Pending: Volume is to be replaced (for example, due to excessive I/O errors). (No=0; Yes=1)

Required Location: The intended target location for the volume.

Required Location Type: The intended target location type for the volume.
  • Shelf=0
  • Store_builtin=1
  • Manual=2
  • Auto=3
  • Store_Bins=4
  • Store_NoBins=5

Retain By Set: The volume is being retained because it is part of a multi-volume set. (No=0; Yes=1)

Retention Date: Highest date for all data sets on the volume after which the volume is no longer retained by the current VRS.

Return Pending: Volume will be returned to its owner upon release. (No=0; Yes=1)

Scratch Immediate: Return volume to scratch in a single inventory management run. (No=0; Yes=1)

Scratch Pending: Volume will return to scratch status after all other release actions are completed. (No=0; Yes=1)

Security Class: The Security Class of the volume.

Stacked Volume Count: Number of volumes contained in a stacked volume.

Storage Group: DFSMS Storage Group for the volume.

Temporary Read Errors: Total number of temporary read errors on the volume.

Temporary Write Errors: Total number of temporary write errors on the volume.

Timestamp: Time table row was created in CT timestamp format.

Use Count: Number of times the volume has been opened for either read or write.

Vendor: Manufacturer or supplier of the media.

VM Use: Volume can be used with the VM operating system. (No=0; Yes=1)

VOL1 Label: Serial number of the volume as recorded in the standard internal volume label.

Volume Capacity: The physical capacity of the tape volume in megabytes as reported by the hardware. Note: The value is displayed for those devices which provide capacity information, such as the IBM 3590 Magstar® and later devices.

Volume Serial: Volume Serial number.

Volume Status: The Status of the volume. Values are as follows:
  • MASTER - The volume contains valid user data and cannot be overwritten.
  • USER - The volume is assigned to a user and is in use.
  • SCRATCH - The volume is free and available for use.
  • INIT - The volume is a scratch volume that is waiting to be initialized. After the volume is initialized, the status becomes SCRATCH.
  • ENTRY - The volume is a scratch volume that is moving into an automatic library; once entered, the status becomes SCRATCH or INIT.
Volume Type: The type of the volume as defined to RMM.
  • Physical=0
  • Logical=1
  • Stacked=2

Volume Usage: How much of the volume has been taken up by the data sets that are located on it, in kilobytes. This value is calculated as the sum of the usage of all the data sets on the volume. The usage for a data set is the product of the block count and the block size. Volume Usage is an indication of how much data has been written by an application prior to compression or compaction.

Volume Write Mount Count: Number of times the volume has been mounted for output and written to.

Volume Percent Full: How much of the volume has been taken up by the data written to it. The value is calculated using the reported position on the volume where the end of the last file was written.
Note: This value is only available for those devices which provide positioning information, such as the IBM 3590 Magstar and later devices. When data is written to a volume it is most probably compressed so that the volume usage, capacity and percent full values are only an indication of the remaining, available capacity.

Volume Sequence: Sequence number of the volume in a multi-volume set.

Worldwide ID: ID value set in the volume by the manufacturer and recorded by DFSMSrmm when the volume is first used. DFSMSrmm ensures that the correct volume is mounted by checking that the WWID still matches the recorded value.