RMM System Summary

The RMM System Summary attributes provide summary data for RMM at various levels.

% Volumes R/W Previous Day: Percent of total volumes read or written on the previous day.

Average Datasets Per Volume: Average number of data sets per volume.

Average Volume Use Count: Average volume use count for all volumes associated with this summarized object.

Average Compression Ratio: The average compression ratio for all volumes associated with this summarized object.

Average compression ratio measures the effectiveness of data compression and is expressed as the percentage of the original data written by the application that was actually recorded on tape. This metric is dependent on the capacity and percent used values being reported back to RMM by the hardware, which might not be the case for older tape devices.

The compression ratio is based on the average % used for all volumes, the total capacity of the volumes, and the total usage of all the volumes and is calculated as follows:
  • Total usage is the (data-set blocksize)*(blockcount), which represents the amount of data written by the application for all data sets on the volume.
  • Percent used (% used) is based on data actually written to the tape (assuming that the data is reported back by the hardware).
  • Average capacity used is provided by this formula:
    (avg % used for all vols)*total capacity
  • Average compression ratio is provided by this formula:
    100-(avg capacity used/total usage)

Average Dataset Size: Average data set size, expressed in megabytes to 1 decimal place on all volumes associated with this summarized object.

Average Volume Utilization: Average volume utilization. Volume utilization (in other words, percent full) is based on where the last file on the tape ended. Only physical (not stacked or logical) volumes that are in Master or User status are included in the utilization calculation and distributions. Note that not all devices report this information back to RMM, so the value might be 0 for volumes that do in fact contain data.

Collection Status: Status of RMM Data collection process.
  • Collection_completed=RMM_COLLECTION_COMPLETE
  • Collection_is_waiting=RMM_COLLECTION_WAITING
  • Collection_not_started=RMM_COLLECTION_INACTIVE
  • Collection_parameter_errors=RMM_COLLECTION_PARAM_ERROR
  • Collection_in_progress=RMM_COLLECTION_IN_PROGRESS
  • Collection_halted_by_user=RMM_COLLECTION_HALTED
  • Collection_halted_due_to_deadline=RMM_COLLECTION_DEADLINE
  • Collection_terminated=RMM_COLLECTION_TERMINATED
  • Collection_failed=RMM_COLLECTION_FAILED
  • RMM_is_not_active=RMM_INACTIVE
  • RMM_is_not_installed=RMM_NOT_INSTALLED

Data Created Previous Day: Data created on all volumes associated with this summarized object on the previous Julian day, expressed as MB to a single decimal place.

Datasets Created Previous Day: Total number of data sets created on the previous Julian day on all volumes associated with this summarized object.

Datasets R/W Previous Day: The number of data sets last read or written on the previous Julian day on all volumes associated with this summarized object (at the time that the last summary collection cycle ended).

Entry Volumes: Number of volumes in Entry status.

Erase Pending Volumes: Number of volumes in Erase Pending status.

Init Pending Volumes: Number of volumes in Init Pending status.

Init Volumes: Number of volumes in Init status.

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Master Volumes: Number of volumes in Master status.

Name: Name of the object being summarized.

New Scratch Volumes: Number of volumes returned to scratch status during or since the last run of RMM expiration processing, as reported by the LISTCONTROL command.

Notify Pending Volumes: Number of volumes in Notify Pending status.

Permanent Read Errors Volumes: Total number of volumes associated with this summarized object with permanent read errors.

Permanent Write Errors Volumes: Total number of volumes associated with this summarized object with permanent write errors.

Permanent Read Errors: Total number of permanent read errors for all volumes associated with this summarized object.

Permanent Write Errors: Total number of permanent write errors for all volumes associated with this summarized object.

Physical Volumes: Number of physical (in other words, not LOGICAL or STACKED) volumes.

Replace Pending Volumes: Number of volumes in Replace Pending status.

Return Pending Volumes: Number of volumes in Return Pending status.

Scratch Pending Volumes: Number of volumes in Scratch Pending status.

Scratch Volumes: Number of volumes in Scratch status.

Summary Collection End Time: Time at which the last summary collection cycle ended.

Summary Collection Start Time: Time at which the last summary collection cycle started.

Temporary Read Errors Volumes: Total number of volumes associated with this summarized object with temporary read errors.

Temporary Write Errors Volumes: Total number of volumes associated with this summarized object with temporary write errors.

Temporary Read Errors : Total number of temporary read errors for all volumes associated with this summarized object.

Temporary Write Errors: Total number of Temporary write errors for all volumes associated with this summarized object.

Timestamp: Time table row was created in CT timestamp format.

Total Error Volumes: Total number of volumes associated with this summarized object with permanent or temporary read or write errors.

Total Errors: Total number of temporary or permanent read or write errors for all volumes associated with this summarized object.

Total Permanent Errors Volumes: Total number of volumes associated with this summarized object with permanent read or write errors.

Total Temporary Errors Volumes: Total number of volumes associated with this summarized object with temporary read or write errors.

Total Usage: Total Usage in GB. Usage is the amount of data written to the tape by the application, before any compression, expressed as gigabytes.

Total Capacity: Total Capacity of all volumes associated with this summarized object, in Gigabytes. Note that some tape devices do not report capacity info to RMM and this field might therefore be zero (0).

Total Datasets: Total number of data sets on all volumes associated with this summarized object.

Total Permanent Errors: Total number of permanent read or write errors for all volumes associated with this summarized object.

Total Temporary Errors: Total number of temporary read or write errors for all volumes associated with this summarized object.

Total Volumes: Total number of volumes in RMM for this object.

Total Write Mounts: Total number of Write Mounts for all volumes associated with this summarized object.

Type: Type of the object being summarized.

User Volumes: Number of volumes in User status.

Volume 0% Utilized: Number of Volumes 0% Utilized.

Volume 1-10% Utilized: Volumes 1-10% Utilized.

Volume 11-20% Utilized: Volumes 11-20% Utilized.

Volume 21-30% Utilized: Volumes 21-30% Utilized.

Volume 31-40% Utilized: Volumes 31-40% Utilized.

Volume 41-50% Utilized: Volumes 41-50% Utilized.

Volume 51-60% Utilized: Volumes 51-60% Utilized.

Volume 61-70% Utilized: Volumes 61-70% Utilized.

Volume 71-80% Utilized: Volumes 71-80% Utilized.

Volume 81-90% Utilized: Volumes 81-90% Utilized.

Volume 91-100% Utilized: Volumes 91-100% Utilized.

Volumes R/W Previous Day: The number of volumes associated with the summarized object that were last read or written on the previous Julian day (at the time that the last summary collection cycle ended).