SMSplex Summary

The SMSplex Summary attributes provide information on storage in the SMSplex.

BMF Panic Mode Pct: The percent of LRU intervals during which BMF was in panic mode in tenths of a percent across the sysplex.

CRQ Maximum Requests: The maximum number of requests on a common recall queue waiting for execution.

Disabled VTOC Index: Identifies if there are any disabled VTOC indices in the SMSplex.

Element Percent Full: The highest percentage of elements in tenths of a percent on the Common Recall Queue that are currently in use for any CRQPlex in the SMSplex.

Entry Percent Full: The highest percentage of entries in tenths of a percent on the Common Recall Queue that are currently in use for any CRQPlex in the SMSplex.

High Volume Fragmentation Index: Value of the highest fragmentation index within the SMSplex. This value does not include volumes which are unavailable for new data set allocation.

High Volume Response Time: Highest volume response time for any volume in the SMSplex.

HSM Pct Free Space Data Component: The lowest ratio of the free space divided by the total allocated space for any DFSMShsm control data set in the SMSplex.

HSM Status: An indicator if HSM is inactive on any system in the SYSplex.

Low Track Managed Free Space Cyl: The lowest amount of free track managed space within any storage group in the SMSplex in cylinders. This value does not include the space on volumes in an SMS storage group that have not been converted.

Low Track Managed Free Space GB: The lowest amount of free track managed space within any storage group in the SMSplex in gigabytes. This value does not include the space on volumes in an SMS storage group that have not been converted.

Low Track Managed Free Space MB: The lowest amount of free track managed space within any storage group in the SMSplex in megabytes. This value does not include the space on volumes in an SMS storage group that have not been converted.

Low Track Managed Free Space Pct: The lowest percent of track managed area free space in any storage group in the SMSplex. This value does not include volumes which are unavailable for new data set allocation.

Low Track Managed Free Space Trk: The lowest amount of free track managed space within any storage group in the SMSplex in tracks. This value does not include the space on volumes in an SMS storage group that have not been converted.

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Oldest Request Age: Number of minutes the oldest request has waited to be completed. A large number of queued requests or a large completion time can be caused by an insufficient number of tasks started of this function type, a high rate of requests, or this function type being held.

RLS MAX Resp Time: The maximum RLS average response time for any storage class with RLS activity across the sysplex.

RMM Percent Used: The highest percent used of any control data set by RMM in the SMSplex.

RMM Subsystem Status: An indicator if RMM is inactive on any system in the SYSplex.

SMS CDS SYSplex Name: SMSplex CDS data set name or SYSplex name if the SMSplex and SYSplex contain the same z/OS® images.

Storage Group Used Space Pct: The highest percentage of used space in the SMSplex for any storage group. This includes both the track and cylinder managed areas of the volumes.

Storage Grp Low Free Space Cyl: The minimum free space in cylinders in any storage group in the SMSplex. This value does not include volumes which are unavailable for new data set allocation.

Storage Grp Low Free Space GB: The minimum free space in gigabytes in any storage group in the SMSplex. This value does not include volumes which are unavailable for new data set allocation.

Storage Grp Low Free Space MB: The minimum free space in megabytes in any storage group in the SMSplex. This value does not include volumes which are unavailable for new data set allocation.

Storage Grp Low Free Space Pct: The minimum percent of free space in any storage group in the SMSplex. This value does not include volumes which are unavailable for new data set allocation.

Storage Grp Low Free Space Trk: The minimum free space in tracks in any storage group in the SMSplex. This value does not include volumes which are unavailable for new data set allocation.

SYSplex Name: SYSplex name or the z/OS system name if the z/OS system is not a member of a SYSplex.

Track Managed High Volume Frag Index: Value of the highest track managed area fragmentation index for any volume within the SMSplex. This value does not include volumes which are unavailable for new data set allocation.

Track Managed Used Space Percent: The highest percentage of used track managed space in the SMSplex for any storage group. This includes only the track managed areas of the volumes.