HSM Common Storage

The HSM Common Storage attributes provide details about common service area storage allocation, including information regarding migration work elements (MWE).

Active Limit Percent: DFSMShsm active limit for the common service area storage allocation.This limit is a percent of the specified maximum limit. The default is 90% of the specified maximum limit. After the specified percentage of common service area has been allocated and DFSMShsm is active, only batch WAIT MWEs are added to the common service area queue.

Inactive Limit Percent: DFSMShsm inactive limit for the common service area storage allocation. This limit is a percent of the specified maximum limit. After the percent of the specified maximum limit has been allocated and DFSMShsm is inactive, no MWEs are added to the common service area queue. The default is 30% usage of the maximum limit common service area.

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Maximum Common Storage: Maximum amount of common storage area (in bytes) to be allocated to all MWEs. After the limit has been reached, no MWEs are added to the common service area queue. The default is 102400 (100k) bytes.

Maximum MWE Address Space: Maximum number of MWEs to allow per address space. If any NOWAIT MWEs are added to the common service area queue for this address space after the maximum number has been reached, they are flagged to indicate the common service area storage allocated to the MWE is to be freed when the ARCCTL has copied the MWE into DFSMShsm address space. The default is 4 MWEs.

Used Common Storage: The number of bytes of the common storage area that are currently being used.