HSM CRQ Requests

The HSM CRQ Requests attributes provide detailed data on CRQ requests, including status.

Aggregate Group Name: The name of the HSM aggregate group to which this dataset belongs.

CRQplex Base Name: The base name of the CRQplex.

Dataset Name: The name of the dataset being recalled.

HSMplex Name: The name of the HSMplex to which the HSM hosts in this CRQplex belong.

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Originating TEMS Node: The node of the request's originating TEMS. Used for routing toolkit requests.

Processor HSM Host ID: The ID of the HSM host that is processing the request (blank for requests that are not active).

Processor HSM Host Name: The name of the HSM host started task that is processing the request (blank for requests that are not active).

Processor Origin Node: The Origin node associated with the HSM host processing the request. This is used to direct toolkit actions to the correct node for execution.

Processor System: The Systems Management Facility identifier of the system on which the HSM host processing the request is executing.

Processor TEMS Node: The name of the TEMS node on the z/OS® image on which the request is processing if active (otherwise, blanks). Used for routing toolkit requests.

Queue Time: The time when DFHSM received this request.

Request Age: The number of minutes this request has waited to be serviced. A large number of queued requests or a large wait time can be caused by an insufficient number of tasks started of this function type, a high rate of requests, or this function type being held.

Request Number: The number assigned to this request.

Request Status: The status of the request, including Queued, Active, Abended, Complete and Cancelled. A queued request has been received and is waiting for higher priority requests to complete. An active request is currently being serviced. An abended request has completed unsuccessfully. A complete request has completed successfully. A cancelled request was cancelled before it completed

Request Type: The type of request, either dataset or volume.

Request Volume: The specific DASD volume related to this request.

Requester HSM Host ID: The ID of the HSM host that originated the request.

Requester HSM Host Name: The name of the HSM host started task that originated the request.

Requester Origin Node: The Origin node associated with the request originator. This is used to direct toolkit actions to the correct node for execution.

Requester System: The Systems Management Facility identifier of the system on which the requesting HSM host is executing.

Requester TEMS Node: The TEMS node assocated with the request originator, used to direct toolkit actions to the correct TEMS for execution.

Requesting Jobname: The name of job/started task/TSO userid which submitted this request.

Requesting User ID: The user ID associated with this request.

User Waiting: Indicates whether this is a synchronous or asynchronous request