HSM Function Statistics

The HSM Function Statistics attributes provide summary statistics for the HSM activities, such as movement of data sets from level 1 to level 2 archives.

Automatic Requests: The number of DFHSM requests issued automatically by this function type, as extracted from the DFSMShsm daily statistics record. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli® Data Warehouse.

Average Allocate Time: The average allocation time (in seconds) for a request to be satisfied across all HSM hosts.

Average Completion Time: The average completion time (in seconds) for a request to be satisfied across all HSM hosts.

Average Process Time: The average processing time (in seconds) for a request to be satisfied across all HSM hosts.

Average Queue Time: The average queue time (in seconds) for a request to be satisfied across all HSM hosts.

Failed Requests: Represents the count of failed requests of this function type extracted from the DFSMShsm daily statistics record. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Function Index: The function type, as extracted from the DFSMShsm daily statistics record, to which this row of data applies.

Function Type: The type of function used. Valid types are as follows:
  • Daily_Backup
  • Delete_Backup_Versions
  • Delete_Data_Set
  • Delete_Migrated_Data_Set
  • Level1_to_Level2
  • Level1_to_Primary
  • Level2_to_Primary
  • Primary_to_Level1
  • Primary_to_Level2
  • Recovery
  • Recycle_Backup_Volume
  • Recycle_L2_Tape_Volumes
  • Spill_Backup

Function Type String: The function type, displayed as a string.

Managed System: The SMS name of this system.

Megabytes Read: The total number of megabytes read for this function type, extracted from the DFSMShsm daily statistics record. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Megabytes Written: The total number of megabytes written for this function type, extracted from the DFSMShsm daily statistics record. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Tracks Read: The total number of DASD tracks read for this function type, extracted from the DFSMShsm daily statistics record. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Tracks Written: The total number of DASD tracks written for this function type, extracted from the DFSMShsm daily statistics record. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

User Requests: The number of requests initiated by user command for this function type as extracted from the DFSMShsm daily statistics record. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.