HSM Function Summary

The HSM Function Summary attributes provide status and queue information about each of the HSM functions.

Active Requests: The count of requests currently active for this function. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli® Data Warehouse.

Dataset Requests: The count of requests either queued or active for this function for data sets. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Function: The status of this HSM function (Held or Not Held).

Function Str: The name of the function for this data row. Valid names are Migration, Recall, Backup, Recovery or Dump.

Function Status: The status of this HSM function. Values are Held, Not Held, or Held EOV.

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Volume Requests: The count of requests either queued or active for this function for volumes. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Waiting Requests: The count of requests currently waiting for this function. Requests are queued either when the function is held, or maxtasks for this function is reached. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.