Dataset Group Details

The Dataset Group Details attributes provide detailed information on your data set. The attributes in this group include details regarding control intervals (CIs) and control areas (CAs).

% Free Bytes In CI: The percentage of bytes free across all CIs. (VSAM only.) You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli® Data Warehouse.

% Free CIS In CA: The percentage of free CIs across all CAs in the data set. (VSAM only.) You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Alternate Index Attributes: The alternate index attributes. Values are UPGRADE, and NO UPGRADE.

Associated Entry Name: The associated entry names.

Average LRECL: The VSAM data set average logical record size.

Average MSR: The average MSR (millisecond response time) for this data set.

Bytes Free In Compression: The number of bytes of free space in compression. (VSAM only.)

CA Splits: The number of CA splits. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

A CA split is the movement of half of the records in an existing CA to a new CA because a record add or update cannot be accommodated in the existing CA. This condition results in two approximately half-full CAs instead of one full and one empty CA. A CA split is inefficient because it requires a large number of I/O operations. (VSAM only.)

Catalog Name: The name of the catalog that the data set belongs.

CI Size: The control interval (CI) size of the data set. A CI is a unit of data that is transferred between auxiliary storage and virtual storage when an I/O request is made. It contains records, free space, and control information.

CI Splits: The number of control interval (CI) splits. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

A CI split is the movement of some records from an existing CI to another free CI in the same control area because a record add or update cannot be accommodated in the existing one. This condition results in two half-empty CIs instead of one full and one empty CI. (VSAM only.)

Compressed User Data Size: The size of compressed user data.

Compression Indicator: The compression of the data set. Values are EXTENDED FORMAT, COMPRESSIBLE, or EXTENDED FORMAT.

Creation Date: The date when the data set was created.

Dataset % Free: The percentage of space that is free in this data set. This value is calculated using: (Dataset High Allocated RBA - Dataset High Used RBA) \ Dataset High Allocated RBA. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Dataset % Used: The percentage of space that is used in this data set. This is calculated using: Dataset High Used RBA \ Dataset High Allocated RBA . You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Dataset Flags: The data set entry type. Values are PRIMARY and NOT PRIMARY.

Dataset Group Name: A user-defined name that identifies a group of data set name masks that make up the Dataset Group.

Dataset High Allocated RBA: The data set high-allocated RBA.

Dataset High Used RBA: The data set high-used RBA.

Dataset Mask: The user-defined data set mask that matches the data set.

Dataset Name: The name of the data set for which the information was collected.


Days Since Creation: The number of days since the data set was created.

Days Unreferenced: The number of days since the data set was last referenced.

EXCPS: The number of EXCPS for the data set. (VSAM only.) You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Expiration Date: The date when the data set expires.

Extended Attributes: The extended attributes.

Extended Format Attributes (HEX): The extended format attributes expressed as hexadecimal values.

Extended Format Attributes: The extended format attributes.

First Extent Tracks Allocated: The primary space allocation.

Free CIS Per CA: The number of free control intervals (CIs) per control area (CA). (VSAM only.) You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

GDG Dataset Attributes: The Dataset Generation Data Group Attributes. Values are as follows:
  • Delete oldest GDS GATLIMIT exceeded.
  • Delete all GDSs when GATLIMIT exceeded.
  • Do not scratch data set when rolled off.
  • Scratch data set when rolled off if volume mounted.

GDG Last Altered Date: The date the data set Generation Data Group (GDG) was last changed.

GDG Maximum Datasets: The maximum data sets in the Generation Data Group (GDG).

KSDS Key Length: The length of the KSDS key.

KSDS Key Position: The relative position of key within the data set.

Last Backup Date: The date of the most recent data set backup.

Log Parameter Set: The value of the log parameter set. Values are NEVER SET, LOG NONE, LOG UNDO, LOG ALL.

Managed System: The internal name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Maximum Buffer Size: The maximum buffer size.

Maximum I/Os: The maximum I/Os for a volume for this data set.

Maximum MSR: The maximum MSR (millisecond response time) for this data set.

Maximum Record Size: The maximum record size for this data set.

NON-VSAM Attributes: The non-VSAM attributes information for this data set. Values are Active GDS, Deferred GDS, Rolled off GDS, PDSE, POSIX DS, NON VSAM.

Number Bytes per CI: The number of free bytes across all control intervals (CIs). (VSAM only.)

Number CIS per CA: Contains the number of control intervals (CIs) that are contained in a control area (CA) for this data set. A control area is a group of control intervals. (VSAM only.)

Owner: Identifies the data set owner.

Primary Volume: The volume serial number for primary space allocation.

Records Deleted: The number of deleted records for the data set. (VSAM only.) You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Records Inserted: The number of inserted records for the data set. (VSAM only.) You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Records Retrieved: The number of retrieved records for the data set. (VSAM only.) You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Records Updated: The number of updated records for the data set. (VSAM only.) You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Recovery Time: The recovery time, TOD value, local.

Reference Date: The date of the last reference for the data set.

Request Type: Request type.

Secondary Space Allocation: The secondary space allocation.

SMFID: The SMFID of the system where the data was collected.

SMS Data Class: The SMS data class for the data set.

SMS Management Class: The SMS management class for the data set.

SMS Storage Class: The SMS storage class for the data set.

Space Allocation Units: The space units used for allocation. Values are AVG BLOCK, AVG BLOCK ROUNDED, CYLINDER, TRACK, and n/a.

Striping Counts: The striping count for a striped data set.

Timestamp: The timestamp of when the data was collected. Displayed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

Total I/Os: The total sum of I/Os across all volumes for this data set.

Total Records: The number of logical records for the data set. (VSAM only.) You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Total Track Allocation: The total sum of tracks allocated across all volumes for this data set.

Total Track Free: The total sum of tracks free across all volumes for this data set.

Total Track Used: The total sum of tracks used across all volumes for this data set.

Volume Count: The number of volumes for this data set.

VSAM Dataset Attributes (HEX): The VSAM data set attributes. The attributes are Speed, Unique, Reusable, Erase, Inhibit update, Temporary export, and Track overflow expressed as hexadecimal values.

VSAM Dataset Attributes: The VSAM data set attributes. The attributes are Speed, Unique, Reusable, Erase, Inhibit update, Temporary export, and Track overflow.

VSAM Dataspace Attributes (HEX): Defines the attributes of the VSAM data space for the data set, in hexadecimal. The values are Swap, No Swap, and Page Space (indicates the data set is a pagespace).

VSAM Dataspace Attributes: Defines the attributes of the VSAM data space for the data set. The values are Swap, No Swap, and Page Space (indicates the data set is a pagespace).

VSAM Reuse Attributes (HEX): Defines the VSAM reuse attributes for the data set in hexadecimal. Values (in hexadecimal) can be: Dataset has RACF® discrete profile, Index component data set, Reusable data set, Erase specified (cluster only), Not defined, swap space (cluster only), page space (cluster only).

VSAM Reuse Attributes: Defines the VSAM reuse attributes for the data set. Values can be: Dataset has RACF discrete profile, Index component data set, Reusable data set, Erase specified (cluster only), Not defined, swap space (cluster only), page space (cluster only).

VSAM Share Attributes: The share attributes of a VSAM data set. The share attribute is used when a data or index component of a cluster, alternate index, or the data component of a catalog can be shared among users. Cross Region specifies the amount of sharing allowed among regions within the same system or within multiple systems using global resource serialization (GRS). Cross System specifies the amount of sharing allowed among systems.

VSAM Type Attributes (HEX): The type attributes of a VSAM data set in hexadecimal. Values (HEX) can be: KSDS or non-KSDS, Write check, Imbed, Replicate, Key-range data set, RRDS (Relative Record Dataset), Spanned records allowed, Non-unique or unique keys allowed, LDS, or VRRDS. A LDS is a VSAM data set that contains data but no control information. A VRRDS is a Relative Record Dataset and is similar to a non-VSAM relative file.

VSAM Type Attributes: The type attributes of a VSAM data set. Values can be: KSDS or non-KSDS, Write check, Imbed, Replicate, Key-range data set, RRDS (Relative Record Dataset), Spanned records allowed, Non-unique or unique keys allowed, LDS, or VRRDS. An LDS is a VSAM data set that contains data but no control information. A VRRDS is a Relative Record Dataset and is similar to a non-VSAM relative file.