Dataset Users

The Dataset Users attributes provide the names of applications using or waiting for access to a data set. Also provided are the name of the application, the system ID, and the type of control (shared or exclusive) that the application requires.

Application: The application name associated with this row.

Application Type: Indicates the type of application.

Application Waiting: Indicates whether the application is waiting or not.
  • No = The application is not waiting because it has either exclusive or shared control of the data set.
  • Yes = The application is waiting because control of the data set is owned by another user.

Control: Indicates whether this application shares this data set with other applications (Shared) or not (Exclusive).

Dataset Name Index: The name of the data set that is enqueued.

Managed System: The SMS name of this system.

System: The SMFID (Systems Management Facility ID) of the system on which this application is running.