Cross System Volumes

The Cross System Volumes attributes provide performance information for a logical volume on each z/OS® image on which it is shared.

Busy Percent: The percentage of channel path usage. For FICON® channels, this is the percentage of the maximum work units being used.

Connect Time: A part of I/O during which data is located on the track and transferred between the DASD device and central storage.

Control Unit Model: The model number of the control unit for this hard disk drive.

Device Address: The MVS™ device number.

Device Model: The model of the DASD device. Attributes of the most common models or their equivalents are as follows:
3390-1 16685 1113 4 TRIPLE
3390-2 33390 2226 4 TRIPLE
3390-3 50055 3339 4 TRIPLE
3390-9 982800 65520 4 TRIPLE
3390-A 3940320 262668 4 TRIPLE
3380-K 39825 2655 4 TRIPLE
3380-J 13275 885 4 SINGLE
3380-E 26550 1770 2 DUAL
3380-A 13275 885 2 SINGLE
3375 11508 959 2 SINGLE
3350 16650 555 2 SINGLE

Disconnect Time: The time that I/O spends, free from the channel, searching for or requesting data. This time includes moving the device to the requested cylinder, waiting for the record to rotate under the head (rotational delay), and waiting for the channel to become available.

I/O Per Second: The average number of I/O operations per second.

IOSQ Delay: The average time that an I/O waits because the device is already busy (signified by the UCBBUSY BIT of the device being on).

Managed System: The SMS name of this system.

Pend Time: The time that I/O is delayed in the path to the device. Pending time can be attributable to the channel or control unit path being busy.

Response Time: The amount of time in milliseconds required for an I/O request to complete to a given device. MSR (millisecond response time) is divided into four components: IOS Queue, Pending, Disconnect, and Connect.

Storage Group Name: The 32-character name of the SMS storage group to which this volume belongs.

System: The systems management facility ID of the system that reported this row of data.

Volume: The six-character name assigned to DASD or tape volume. Also known as volume serial number of volume ID.