DSN Attr Group Detail

The DSN Attr Group Detail attributes provide detailed information for data sets in a specified group.
Note: Although a Dataset Attributes Group can summarize more than 5000 data sets, a query against the DSN Attr Group Detail table for a specified group returns a maximum of 5000 data sets. Additionally, be aware that in a large enterprise the Dataset Attributes Database can be tracking millions of data sets. When you create a group, define the properties and attributes such that they limit the number of data sets that make up the group in order to prevent it from requiring excessive processing, network, and space resources.

Allocated GB: The allocated GB for the data set.

Allocated MB: The allocated MB for the data set.

Allocated Tracks: The allocated tracks for the data set.

Allocated Volumes: The number of volumes on which space is allocated for the dataset.

Associated Entry Name: The entry name associated with the data set (for example, cluster name for a data component).

Average LRECL: The VSAM data set average logical record length.

CA Splits: The number of CA splits.

Catalog: The data set is a catalog.

Cataloged: The data set is cataloged.

Catalog Entry Type: The catalog entry type.

CIs per CA: The number of CIs per CA.

CI Size: The control interval size.

CI Splits: The number of CI splits.

CMS: The data set is using Cylinder Managed Space on an Extended Address Volume.

Collection Timestamp: The date and time of data collection for this row (info-only column).

Compressed User Data Size: The VSAM data set compressed user data size.

Component Free Space: The bytes of free space in a VSAM data set component.

DAEAddress: The address of detail information in the data set dataspace.

DAEALET: ALET of detail information in the data set dataspace.

Data Component: The data set is a VSAM data component.

Dataset Name: The name of the data set.

Days Since Creation: The days since the data set was created.

Days Since Until Expiration: The days since (positive number) or until (negative number) the specified expiration date.

Days Since Last Backup: The number of days since the last backup.

Days Since Reference: The days since the last reference of the data set.

Erase: The VSAM attribute is erase.

EXCPS: The number of VSAM EXCPS.

Extents: The number of extents allocated by the data set.

Extended Format: The extended format data set.

Extended Address Space Eligible: The data set is eligible to use Extended Address Space of an Extended Address Volume.

Free Bytes per CI: The free bytes per CI.

Free CIs per CA: The free CIs per CA.

GDG Attributes: The GDG attributes.

GDG Level: The GDG level.

Generation Dataset: The data set is a generation data set.

Group Name: The name of the user-defined data set group.

High Allocated RBA: The high allocated RBA for the data set on this volume.

High Used RBA: The high used RBA for the data set on this volume.

Index Component: The data set is a VSAM index component.

Key Length: For VSAM data sets, this is the KSDS key length; and for non-VSAM data sets, this is the DASD key length.

Managed System: The internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Maximum Buffer Size: The VSAM data set maximum buffer size.

Maximum Datasets in GDG: The maximum number of generation data sets that can be associated with the generation data group.

Maximum Record Size: The VSAM data set maximum record size.

Owner: The VSAM data set owner.

Page Space: The VSAM attribute is page space.

Percent Free CIs per CA: The percentage of CIs free in each CA.

Percent Free Bytes per CI: The percentage of bytes free in each CI.

Percent Free: The percentage of the data set's allocated space free.

Percent Used: The percentage of the data set's allocated space in use.

Primary GB: The GB in the first extent.

Primary MB: The MB in the first extent.

Primary Tracks: The number of tracks in the first extent.

RACF®: The RACF indicator is set for the data set in the VTOC or, for VSAM, the catalog.

Records Deleted: The number of deleted records in a VSAM data set.

Records Inserted: The number of inserted records in a VSAM data set.

Records Retrieved: The number of retrieved records in a VSAM data set.

Records Total: The number of logical records in a VSAM data set.

Records Updated: The number of updated records in a VSAM data set.

Recovery: The VSAM attribute is recovery.

Reuse: The VSAM attribute is reuse.

Secondary Allocation Record Units: The secondary space record allocation units.

Secondary Allocation Record Value: The secondary space allocation value when specified in records.

Secondary Allocation Units: The secondary space record allocation units.

Secondary Allocation Quantity: The secondary space record allocation quantity in specified record allocation units.

Share Option: The VSAM data set share options (cross-region, cross-system).

SMS Data Class: The DFSMS data class.

SMS Storage Class: The DFSMS storage class.

SMS Storage Group: The DFSMS storage group.

SMS Management Class: The DFSMS management class.

Spanned: The VSAM attribute is spanned.

Speed: The VSAM attribute is speed.

Stripe Count: The stripe count.

Temporary: The temporary data set.

Unique: The VSAM attribute is unique.

Unmovable: The data set is unmovable.

Unused Tracks: The unused tracks for the data set.

Unused MB: The unused MB for the data set.

Unused GB: The unused GB for the data set.

Used GB: The used GB for the data set.

Used MB: The used MB for the data set.

Used Tracks: The used tracks for the data set.

Volser: The volser on which the data set is located.

Volume Count: The number of volumes on which the data set resides.

Volume Sequence: The sequence number of this volume relative to all volumes on which the data set is located.

VSAM Dataset Organization: The VSAM data set organization.