Dataset Attributes Uncataloged Detail

The Dataset Attributes Uncataloged Detail attributes provide data on the Top N uncataloged data sets on a volume in terms of allocated space.
Note: The SYS1.VVDS and SYS1.VTOCIX data sets are known to always be uncataloged. They are not included in the Uncataloged Detail for a volume.

When the Collect Catalog Data option is enabled, the catalog data is retrieved for each data set encountered in the VTOC of the volume. See Dataset Attributes Database for more information.

Address: Address of detail information in the data space of the data set.

ALET: ALET (Address List Entry Token) of information in the data space of the data set.

Allocated GB: Allocated GB for the data set.

Allocated MB: Allocated MB for the data set.

Allocated Tracks: Allocated tracks for the data set.

Dataset Name: Name of the uncataloged data set.

Extents: Number of extents.

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Timestamp: The time that the row was created.

Unused GB: Unused GB for the data set.

Unused MB: Unused MB for the data set.

Unused Tracks: Unused tracks for the data set.

Used GB: Used GB for the data set.

Used MB: Used MB for the data set.

Used Tracks: Used tracks for the data set.

Volser: The VOLSER on which this data set is located.