Dataset Attributes System Summary

The Dataset Attributes System Summary attributes provide summary data representing all volumes and data sets encountered in a collection cycle. One row exists in this table. The data in the row is refreshed at each collection cycle. See Dataset Attributes Database for more information.

Allocated GB: The total GB allocated to all data sets on all volumes.

Allocated MB: The total MB allocated to all data sets on all volumes.

Allocated Tracks: The total tracks allocated to all data sets on all volumes.

Available GB: The total GB available on all volumes encountered.

Available MB: The total MB available on all volumes encountered.

Available Tracks: The total tracks available (in other words, device capacity) on all volumes encountered.

Collection End Time: The date and time of day when the last collection cycle ended.

Collection Start Time: The date and time of day when the last collection cycle began.

Datasets Processed: The total number of data sets on all volumes that were processed during the collection cycle.

Largest Dataset Allocated GB: The size of the data set with the largest amount of allocated space in GB.

Largest Dataset Allocated MB: The size of the data set with the largest amount of allocated space in MB.

Largest Dataset Allocated Tracks: The size of the data set with the largest amount of allocated space in Tracks.

Largest Dataset Allocated Volumes: The number of volumes on which space has been allocated for the dataset with the largest amount of allocated space.

Largest Dataset Name: The name of the data set with the largest amount of allocated space.

Largest Dataset Volume: Volume on which the data set with the largest amount of allocated space is located.

Largest Unused Space Dataset Allocated Volumes: The number of volumes on which space has been allocated for the dataset with the largest amount of allocated and unused space.

Largest Unused Space Dataset GB: The size of unused space in GB within the data set with the largest amount of allocated and unused space.

Largest Unused Space Dataset MB: The size of unused space in MB within the data set with the largest amount of allocated and unused space.

Largest Unused Space Dataset Name: The name of the data set with the largest amount of allocated and unused space.

Largest Unused Space Dataset Tracks: The size of unused space in Tracks within the data set with the largest amount of allocated and unused space.

Largest Unused Space Dataset Volume: Volume on which the data set with the largest amount of allocated and unused space is located.

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Oldest Reference Dataset Age: The number of days that oldest data set has gone unreferenced. The reference date must be non-zero. In other words, data sets that have never been referenced are not counted.

Oldest Reference Dataset Allocated Volumes: The number of volumes on which space has been allocated for the oldest dataset (where reference date is non-zero, that is, not counting never referenced datasets).

Oldest Reference Dataset Name: The name of the data set with the largest number of days since last reference. The reference date must be non-zero. In other words, data sets that have never been referenced are not counted.

Oldest Reference Dataset Volser: The volume on which the data set with the largest number of days since last reference is located.

Percent Allocated: The percentage of all available space that is allocated.

Percent Free: The percentage of all allocated space that is allocated but unused.

Percent Used: The percentage of all allocated space that is in use.

Status Message: Status of the Dataset Attributes Database data collection process.

Timestamp: The time that the table row was created.

Uncataloged Datasets: The total number of uncataloged data sets encountered on all volumes. This attribute is valid only if 'Collect Catalog Data' option is on in collection control table).
Note: The SYS1.VVDS and SYS1.VTOCIX data sets are known to always be uncataloged. They are not included in the Uncataloged Dataset total.

Unused GB: The total GB allocated but unused by all data sets on all volumes.

Unused MB: The total MB allocated but unused by all data sets on all volumes.

Unused Tracks: The total tracks allocated but unused by all data sets on all volumes.

Used GB: The total GB used by all data sets on all volumes.

Used MB: The total MB used by all data sets on all volumes.

Used Tracks: The total tracks allocated and used by all data sets on all volumes.

Volumes Online: Total number of DASD volumes that were online at the time that collection ran on the system.

Volumes Processed: The total number of volumes processed.