Dataset Attributes SMS Class Detail

The Dataset Attributes SMS Class Detail attributes provide data on the Top N data sets within an SMS Data/Storage/Management Class or Storage Group in terms of allocated space. You define the value of n in the Dataset Attributes Data Collection dialog box. See Dataset Attributes Database for more information.

Address: Address of detail information in the data space of the data set.

ALET: ALET (Address List Entry Token) of information in the data space of the data set.

Allocated GB: Allocated GB for the data set.

Allocated MB: Allocated MB for the data set.

Allocated Tracks: Allocated tracks for the data set.

Allocated Volumes: The number of volumes on which space has been allocated for the dataset.

Dataset Name: The name of a data set in this class.

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

SMS Class: Name of the SMS class.

Timestamp: The time that the row was created.

Type: The type of construct. The values are as follows: D (Data Class); S (Storage Class); M (management Class); G (Storage Group).

Unused GB: Unused GB for the data set.

Unused MB: Unused MB for the data set.

Unused Tracks: Unused tracks for the data set.

Used GB: Used GB for the data set.

Used MB: Used MB for the data set.

Used Tracks: Used tracks for the data set.

Volser: The VOLSER on which this data set is located.