Dataset Attributes Dataset Detail

The Dataset Attributes Dataset Detail attributes provide data set information from the VTOC and catalog. The attributes in this group include details regarding control intervals (CIs) and control areas (CAs). See Dataset Attributes Database for more information.
Note: You can create queries and situations that generate more specific data than that provided in the default workspaces. Be aware that in a large enterprise the data set database can be tracking millions of data sets. Estimate the potential size of the responses to your queries and situations to prevent them from requiring excessive processing, network, and disk space resources. Also be aware that a maximum of 16384 rows are returned on any single query against the Dataset Attribute Detail table.

% Free Bytes per CI: The VSAM percentage of free bytes in all CIs.

% Free CIs per CA: The VSAM percentage of free CIs in all CAs.

Allocated GB: The gigabytes allocated to the data set on the volume.

Allocated MB: The megabytes allocated to the data set on the volume.

Allocated Tracks: The tracks allocated to the data set on the volume.

Allocated Volumes: The number of volumes on which space is allocated for the dataset.

Associated Entry Name: The VSAM associated data set name.

Average LRECL: The VSAM average LRECL.

BLKSIZE: The block size.

CA Splits: The VSAM number of CA splits.

Catalog Entry Type: The catalog entry type. The values are as follows:
  • Alternate Index
  • Cluster
  • Data Component
  • Generation Data Group
  • Generation Data Set
  • Index Component
  • Non-VSAM Data Set
  • Unknown

Catalog Name: The name of the catalog in which data set is cataloged.

Cataloged: The data set is cataloged.

CI Size: The VSAM control interval size.

CI Splits: The VSAM number of CI splits.

CIs per CA: The VSAM number of CIs per CA.

Collection Timestamp: Date and time of data collection for this row.

Component Free Space: Bytes of free space in a VSAM data set component.

Compressed User Data Size: The VSAM compressed user data size.

Compressible: This is a compressible data set.

Creation Date: The creation date.

DAEAddress: Address of detail information in the data space of the data set.

DAEALET: ALET of detail information in the data space of the data set.

Data Component: The data set is a VSAM data component.

Dataset Mask: The dataset mask of the data set.

Dataset Name: The name of the data set.

Days Since Creation: The number of days since creation.

Days Since Last Backup: The days since last backup.

Days Since Reference: The number of days since last reference.

Days Since/Until Expiration: The numbers days until expiration. This value is negative if expiration has passed.

Device Type: The device type.

DSORG: The data set organization type. The values are as follows:
  • VS: VSAM
  • IS: ISAM
  • PS: Physical Sequential
  • DA: Direct Access
  • PO: Partitioned
  • GS: Graphics
  • CX: BTAM OR QTAM Line Group
  • TX: TCAM Line Group
  • TQ: TCAM Message Queue
  • AM: VSAM Data Set/Data Space
  • TR: TCAM 3705
  • ??: Unknown

Extended Address Space Eligible: Data set is eligible to use Extended Address Space of an Extended Address Volume.

Erase: The VSAM erase attribute.

EXCPS: The VSAM number of EXCPs.

Expiration Date: The expiration date.

Extended Format: This is an extended format data set.

Extents: The number of extents.

Free Bytes per CI: The VSAM number of free bytes in all CIs.

Free CIs per CA: The VSAM number of free CIs per CA.

GDG Attributes: GDG attributes.

GDG Last Altered Date: GDG last altered date.

GDG Level: GDG level.

Generation Dataset: This is a generation data set.

HFS: This is an HFS data set.

High Allocated RBA: The high allocated RBA for the data set on this volume where RBA is relative block address.

High Allocated RBA String: The high allocated RBA for the data set on this volume as a string where RBA is relative block address.

High Used RBA: The high used RBA for the dataset on this volume where RBA is relative block address.

High Used RBA String: The high used RBA for the dataset on this volume as a string where RBA is relative block address.

Imbed: The VSAM imbed attribute.

Index Component: The data set is a VSAM index component.

Is a Catalog: The data set itself is a catalog.

Key Length: The DASD hardware key length or, for keyed VSAM data sets, the keylen value.

Last Backup Date: The last backup date.

LRECL: The logical record length.

Managed System: Internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Maximum Buffer Size: The VSAM maximum buffer size.

Maximum Datasets in GDG: For generation data sets, the maximum number of data sets in the GDG.

Maximum Record Size: The VSAM maximum record size.

Owner: The VSAM data set owner.

Page Space: The cluster is a page space.

PDSE: This is a persistent data store extended (PDSE) data set.

Percent Free: The percent of allocated space free. For VSAM data sets, this value is calculated using: ( High Allocated RBA - High Used RBA ) \ High Allocated RBA.

Percent Used: The percent of allocated space used. For VSAM data sets, this is calculated using (High Used RBA \ High Allocated RBA).

Primary GB: The primary space allocation (in other words, the first extent) in GB.

Primary MB: The primary space allocation (in other words, the first extent) in MB.

Primary Tracks: The primary space allocation (in other words, the first extent) in tracks.

RACF®: This data set is RACF protected. This attribute is based on the VTOC RACF indicator, not on whether the data set might be RACF-protected by default.

RECFM: The record format. The values are as follows:
  • F: Fixed Length
  • V: Variable Length
  • U: Undefined Length
  • T: Track Overflow
  • B: Blocked
  • S: Spanned/Standard
  • A: ANSI Control Character
  • M: Machine Control Character

Records Deleted: The VSAM number of deleted records.

Records Inserted: The VSAM number of inserted records.

Records Retrieved: The VSAM number of retrieved records.

Records Total: The VSAM number of logical records.

Records Updated: The VSAM number of updated records.

Recovery: The VSAM recovery attribute.

Reference Date: The last reference date.

Replicate: VSAM Attribute: Replicate.

Reuse: The VSAM reuse attribute.

Secondary Allocation Quantity: The secondary allocation amount.

Secondary Allocation Record Units: Secondary space record allocation units.

Secondary Allocation Record Value: Secondary space allocation value when specified in Records.

Secondary Allocation Units: The space allocation units. The values are as follows: CYLINDER/CYL, TRACK/TRK, ABSTRACK/ABS, AVG BLOCK/AVB, AVG BLOCK ROUNDED/AVD, AVG RECORD/AVR

Share Option: The VSAM share options (cross-region, cross-system). The values are as follows:
  • (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4),
  • (2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (2,4),
  • (3,1), (3,2), (3,3), (3,4),
  • (4,1), (4,2), (4,3), and (4,4)

SMS Data Class: The SMS data class.

SMS Managed: The data set is SMS managed.

SMS Management Class: The SMS management class.

SMS Storage Class: The SMS storage class.

SMS Storage Group: The SMS storage group.

Spanned: The VSAM spanned attribute.

Speed: The VSAM speed attribute.

Stripe Count: The stripe count.

Swap Space: The cluster is a swap space.

System Determined Blocksize: The block size as determined by the system.

Temporary Dataset: This is a temporary data set.

Timestamp: The time that the row was created.

Unique: The VSAM unique attribute.

Unmovable: The data set is unmovable.

Unused GB: The gigabytes not used by the data set on the volume.

Unused MB: The megabytes not used by the data set on the volume.

Unused Tracks: The tracks unused by the data set on the volume.

Used GB: The gigabytes used by the data set on the volume.

Used MB: The megabytes used by the data set on the volume.

Used Tracks: The tracks used by the data set on the volume.

Using Cylinder Managed Space: Dataset is using Cylinder Managed Space on an Extended Address Volume.

Volser: The volume on which the data set is located.

Volume Count: The number of volumes on which the data set is located.

Volume Mask: The volume mask of the data set.

Volume Sequence: The volume sequence number for this portion of the data set.

VSAM Dataset Organization: The VSAM data set organization types. The values are as follows: KSDS, ESDS, RRDS, LDS, and AIX®