S3 XRC Volume Pair

The S3 XRC Volume Pair attributes provide information about the S3 XRC volume pair.

Blocked: Blocked.

Command: Command.

Error Level: Error Level.

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Options: Options.

Pace: Indicates the average pacing milliseconds injected per write channel program during the monitor interval.

Primary CCA: Primary CCA.

Primary Device Number: Primary device number.

Primary SCID: Storage controller ID.

Primary SCSN: Storage controller serial number.

Primary Storage Subsystem ID: Primary storage subsystem ID.

Primary VOLSER: Primary VOLSER.

Primary Volume Cylinders: Primary Volume Cylinders.

Record Sets per Second: The number of record sets created per second for this volume during the monitor interval.

Residual Count: The number of updated records for this device that the data mover has yet to read from the primary storage control for this volume.

Secondary CCA: Secondary CCA.

Secondary Device Number: Secondary device number.

Secondary Storage Subsystem ID: Secondary storage subsystem ID.

Secondary VOLSER: Secondary VOLSER.

Session Name: Session Name.

State: State.

Synchronization Percent: Synchronization Percent.

Threshold Count: The current blocking threshold count or write pacing level for the primary volume.

Timestamp: Timestamp.

Write Pacing Level: Write pacing level.

Writes per Second: The number of write channel programs completed per second for this volume during the monitor interval.