CA1 Volume

The CA1 Volume attributes provide volume information for the CA1 tape management system.

Actual VOLSER: VOLSER provided by offsite backup facility.

Actual VOLSER In Use: See "Actual VOLSER" attribute for value.

Additional Files In Vol Set: Additional files exist in the volume set.

Address of First DSNB: Relative address of first DSNB associated with the volume set.

Address of Last DSNB: Relative address of last DSNB associated with this volume.

Audit Code: The audit code.

Audit CPU: ID of last CPU used to update the record.

Audit Date: Date of last update to the record.

Audit Flag: The audit flag.

Audit Last CA1: ID of the last CA1 program to update the record.

Audit Last Intercept: ID of last intercept to update the record.

Birthdate: Date when tape was first initialized.

CA-9 R Plus Indicated Bad Tape: CA-9 R Plus indicated bad tape.

Catalog Count: The catalog count.

CATALOG Retention Period: Retain for specified number of days and then retain while dataset is cataloged to the operating system.

Closed by ABEND: Volume has been closed by ABEND.

Closed Normally: Volume has been closed normally.

Compression Ratio: The compression ratio.

Controlled by CA-DYNAM_T: Controlled by CA-DYNAM_T.

Created by CA-1 COPYCAT: Created by CA-1 COPYCAT.

Creating DD Name: The DD statement that created the volume or set.

Creating Job Name: The name of the job that created the volume or set.

Creating Program Name: The name of the program that created the volume or set.

Creating Step Name: The name of the step that created the volume or set.

Creating Unit Address: The device number of the drive on which the volume was mounted.

Creation Date: The date when the volume changed status, either to or from scratch.

CYCLE Retention Period: Retain for specified number of cycles.

Dataset Count: Number of datasets stored on this volume.

Dataset Erase Required: Dataset erase required.

Dataset Name: First dataset on the volume or the volume set.

Dataset Recreated: Dataset recreated.

Dataset was on MVS™ Catalog: Dataset was on MVS catalog.

Days Since Creation: The number of days since creation.

Days Since First Use: Number of days since first use.

Days Since Last Used: The number of days since last used.

Days Until Expiration: Days until expiration. This will be zero if retention policy is specified in Expiration Value attribute.

Default Expiration Date Used: Default expiration date used.

Delete Status: The delete status.

Density: Recording density.

DSN Pad: Padding because DSNTAIL changed length.

DSN Tail: Last 17 bytes of first data set DSN on this volume.

Eligible for RDS Override: Volume is eligible for RDS override.

Encryption Key Index: The encryption key index.

Expiration Date: The latest expiration date across the volume set.

Expiration Value: Contains additional retention information derived from expiration date.

Expired by CA-1: Volume is listed to be cleaned.

Expired from Catalog Control: Volume has been expired by Catalog control.

Expired from CYCLE Control: Volume has been expired by CYCLE control.

Expired from LDATE Control: Volume has been expired by LDATE control.

External Data Manager ID: External data manager ID.

External Data Manager In Use: Controlled by an external data manager.

File On OS Catalog: File on OS catalog.

Hold Status: Reason code indicating why the tape is being held.

Internal Field Changed by User: Internal field changed by user.

Label Type: Label type.

Last Clean Date: The last clean date.

Last Cleaning Use Count: Use count since last cleaning.

Last Used Date: Date when dataset was last read from or written to the volume or set.

Last Used Job Name: The name of the job to last use the volume or set.

Last Used Program Name: The name of the program to last use the volume or set.

Last Used Unit Address: The device number of the drive which last mounted the tape.

LDATE Retention Period: Retain for specified number of days after date on which tape was last used.

Listed to be Cleaned: Volume is listed to be cleaned.

Location: Offsite vault name.

Managed System: The SMS name of this system.

Media Recording: Media recording technique.

Next VOLSER of Dataset: Next volume for multi-volume dataset.

No Further Stacking Allowed: No further stacking is allowed.

Non-resident tape: Non-resident tape.

Number of DSN Blocks: Number of data set name blocks.

Num of Tape Cleanings: Number of tape cleanings.

Num Opens Since First Use: The number of times the tape has been opened since first use.

Out of Area Date: Date when the tape was sent offsite.

Out of Area ID: Offsite vault name.

Permanent Retention: Retain the dataset permanently.

Perm Read Errors Since Clean: Number of permanent read errors since clean.

Perm Read Errors Since Init: Number of permanent read errors since initialization.

Perm Write Errors Since Clean: Number of permanent write errors since clean.

Perm Write Errors Since Init: Number of permanent write errors since initialization.

Previous VOLSER of Dataset: Previous volume for multi-volume dataset.

Robotic Device Indicator: Robotic device indicator.

Robotic Tape Type: Robotic tape type.

Scratch Status: The scratch status.

SMS Management Class: The SMS Management class.

Tape Expired By SMS Retention: Tape Expired By SMS MAX Retention Rules.

Tape Has Been Degaussed: Tape has been degaussed.

Tape Has Been Used By RTS: Tape has been used by RTS.

Tape Is A 3592 WORM Cartridge: Tape is a 3592 WORM cartridge.

Tape Is In Use For RTS: Tape is in use for RTS.

Tape Released By Vault Manager: Tape released by external vault manager.

Temp Dataset: Temp dataset.

Temp Read Errors Since Clean: Number of temporary read errors since clean.

Temp Read Errors Since Init: Number of temporary read errors since initialization.

Temp Write Errors Since Clean: Number of temporary write errors since clean.

Temp Write Errors Since Init: Number of temporary write errors since initialization.

TMC Flag6: TMC Flag6.

Total Errors: Total number of errors.

Total Perm Errors: Total number of permanent errors.

Total Perm Read Errors: Total number of permanent read errors (since init or clean).

Total Perm Write Errors: Total number of permanent write errors (since init or clean).

Total Read Errors: Total number of read errors.

Total Temp Errors: Total number of temporary errors.

Total Temp Read Errors: Total number of temporary read errors (since init or clean).

Total Temp Write Errors: Total number of temporary write errors (since init or clean).

Total Write Errors: Total number of write errors.

User ID: ID of last user to update the record.

User Job Accounting Area: The user job accounting area.

Vault Slot Number: Offsite vault slot number.

Vault Specific Request: Vault specific request.

Vendor: Tape vendor.

Virtual Vol On Physical Vol: Virtual volume residing on physical volume.

Volume Is Owned By Agent: Volume is owned by agent.

Volume Mask: VOLSER mask used by search.

Volume Opened for Output: Volume opened for output.

Volume Percent Full: Percentage of this volume that contains data.

Volume Record Updated By User: Volume record updated by user.

Volume Sequence Number: Volume sequence number for multi-volume datasets.

Volume Serial Number: Volume serial number.

Volume Set Count: Number of volumes for multi-volume datasets.

Volume Set ID: First volume in the volume set.

WORM World Wide ID: World Wide ID for 3592 WORM cartridges.

WORM Writer Mount Count: Write mount count for 3592 WORM cartridges.

WORM WWID And WMC Are Present: WORM WWID and WMC are present.