CA1 Dataset

The CA1 Dataset attributes provide data set information for the CA1 tape management system.

Managed System: The SMS name of this system.

Dataset Name: Dataset name.

DSNB Active Flag: DSNB record is active.

DSNB Flag1: DSNB flag #1.

Temp Dataset: First dataset is temporary.

Dataset Recreated: First dataset has been recreated.

Dataset is on catalog: Secondary dataset is on OS catalog.

Dataset was on catalog: Dataset was on OS catalog.

DSNB Offset: DSNB record offset.

Next DSNB Offset: Next DSNB record offset.

Previous DSNB Offset: Previous DSNB record offset.

Volser: Dataset starts on this volume.

DSNB Chain Volser: Volume associated with the beginning of the DSNB chain.

Dataset Sequence Number: Dataset sequence number in the volume set.

Record Format: Record format.

Logical Record Length: Logical record length.

Block Size: Block size.

Block Count: Block count.

SMS Management Class: SMS management class.

Compression Ratio: Compression ratio.

Catalog Count: Catalog count.

Encryption Key Index: Encryption key index.

Volume Percent: Percentage of volume used by this dataset.

Creation Date: The date when the dataset was first written to tape.

Days Since Creation: Days since creation.

Creating Program Name: The name of the program that created the dataset.

Creating Job Name: The name of the job that created the dataset.

Creating Step Name: The name of the step that created the dataset.

Creating DD Name: The DD statement that created the dataset.

Creating Unit Address: The device number of the drive on which the volume was mounted.

Expiration Date: The expiration date of the dataset.

Expiration Value: Contains additional retention information derived from expiration date.

Days Until Expiration: Days until expiration. This will be zero if retention policy is specified in Expiration Value attribute.

Default Expiration used at open: Default expiration used at open.

CATALOG Retention Period: Retain for specified number of days and then retain while dataset is cataloged to the operating system.

Expired by Catalog Control: Expired by catalog control.

Expired by TMS: Expired by TMS interface.

Closed by ABEND processing: Dataset closed by ABEND.

Eligible for RDS Override: Dataset is eligible for RDS override.

Audit Last CA1: ID of the last CA1 program to update the record.

Audit Last Intercept: ID of last intercept to update the record.

Audit Update: Date of last update to the record.

Audit User: ID of last user to update the record.

Audit CPU: ID of last CPU used to update the record.

Audit Code: Audit code.

Audit Flag: Audit flag.

Volume Sequence Number: Volume sequence number for multi-volume datasets.

Volume Set ID: First volume in the volume set.

Dataset Mask: DSN mask used by search.