CA1 Configuration

The CA1 Configuration attributes provide configuration and control information for the CA1 tape management system.

Managed System: The SMS name of this system.

Number of Formatted DSNB Records: Total number of formatted (ready to use) DSNB records.

Number of Active DSNB Records: Total number of DSNB records currently in use.

First DSNB Offset: Relative address of the first DSNB record.

Next Free DSNB Offset: Relative address of the next free DSNB record.

First Volume Definition Offset: Relative address of the first volume definition record.

Number of Volume Definition Records: Number of volume definition records.

Number of Audit Records Generated: Number of audit records generated.

Next Audit Offset: Relative address of the next available audit record.

First Audit Record Since Last Backup: First audit record since last backup.

Last TMC Backup: Time of last TMC backup.

TMC Backup VOLSER: VOLSER of last backup tape.

TMC Backup DSN: DSN of last backup tape.

TMC Backup Indicator: TMC backup indicator.

TMSEXTEND Indicator: TMS EXTEND audit flag.

New TMC VOLSER: VOLSER of the new backup tape.