Application Volume Space

The Application Volume Space attributes provide space information for the logical volumes allocated to an application.

Device Address: The MVS™ device number, assigned by HCD, associated with this device.

Device Type: The MVS device type, for example 3380, 3390, or 2105.

Fragmentation Index: The qualitative measure of the scattered free space on a volume. The higher the number, the more severe the fragmentation.

Free Space Megabytes: Represents the total amount of free space currently available on this device, in megabytes.

Job Name: The JOBNAME, TSO ID, or started task name associated with this application.

Largest Free Extent MB: The largest contiguous free area available, in megabytes.

Managed System: The SMS name for this system.

Percent Free Space: The ratio of free space divided by capacity, expressed as a percentage.

SMS Conversion Status: The SMS conversion status of this volume. Values are: non-SMS, initial, converted, or excluded.

SMS Status: The SMS status of this volume. Values are enabled, quiesced_all, quiesced_new, disabled_all, or disabled_new.

Solid State Device: Indicates whether the logical volume is backed by a solid state physical device.

Storage Group Name: The 32-character SMS storage group name to which this volume belongs.

Total Capacity Megabytes: Represents the total data capacity of this device, in megabytes.

Volume: The six-character identifier associated with this logical device.

VTOC Index Status: The status of the VTOC index on this volume. Values are: Enabled, Disabled, Error, OS-VTOC, or Exclude List.