Application Dataset Details

The Application Dataset Details attributes provide space information on the data sets allocated to a specific application.

Block Size: Represents the physical length attribute of the records in this data set. For a DASD data set, block size is maintained in the DSCB. Because large blocks transfer more data, large block sizes result in higher connect time. Larger blocks with fewer buffers might be appropriate for sequential data sets. Consider using DASD cache control for heavily used, read-only sequential data sets. Random access files need smaller block sizes with a larger number of PDS libraries, block sizes should usually reflect average member size.

Dataset Name: The MVS™ data set name.

Dataset Type: Represents the organization of this data set. This attribute can take the following decimal values:
  • Direct_Access=11
  • Direct_Access_Unmovable=12
  • Extended_Seq_Unmovable=4
  • Extended_Sequential=3
  • Hierarchical_File=1
  • ISAM=7
  • ISAM_Unmovable=8
  • Partitioned=13
  • Partitioned_Unmovable=14
  • PDS_Extended=2
  • Physical_Seq_Unmovable=10
  • Physical_Sequential=9
  • Unknown=0
  • Unknown=15
  • VSAM=5
  • VSAM_Unmovable=6

Job Name: The MVS JOBNAME, TSOUSERID, or STARTED TASK NAME associated with this application.

Logical Record Length: The length attribute associated with the logical records in this data set.

Number of Extents: The number of DASD extents allocated to this data set. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli® Data Warehouse.

Managed System: The SMS name of this system.

Tracks Allocated: Represents the number of DASD tracks occupied by this data set. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Tracks Used: Represents the number of DASD tracks actually used by this data set. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Tracks Used Percent: Represents the value of Tracks Used divided by Tracks Allocated for this data set. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Volume: Represents the six-character identifier associated with this logical volume.