Application Monitoring

The Application Monitoring attributes provide summary performance information for an application and control the monitoring of applications with the Monitor Status and I/O Monitor Status columns.

Application: The name of the batch job, TSO user ID, or started task associated with this application.

ASID Hex: The address space ID (in hex) associated with this application.

ASID: Indicates the number of the address space ID (in decimal) associated with this application.

Dataset Count: Represents the total number of data sets allocated to this application in this address space. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli® Data Warehouse.

Dataset Name: Specifies the MVS™ data set name.

Dataset with High MSR: The MVS data set name with the longest response time in milliseconds associated with this application.

High Dataset MSR: Represents the longest response time in milliseconds for this application to access any data set. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

High Volume MSR: Represents the longest response time in milliseconds for any volume in use by this application. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

I/O Monitor Status: Used to toggle the status of I/O monitoring at the data set level for the application. This value is used for input only when defining a situation to start or stop monitoring of an application. This value is meaningless in a report, because it is always reported as an empty field. When specified as Y (Yes), it triggers MSR (millisecond response time) monitoring at the data set level for all data sets in use by the application.
  • Y = Turn ON data set-level I/O monitoring for this application.
  • N = Turn OFF data set-level I/O monitoring for this application.

I/O Second: Specifies the average number of I/O instructions per second issued by this application. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Managed System: The Storage Management Subsystem name of this system.

Monitor Status: Represents the current monitor status of this application. The values are: Y=The application is being monitored. N=The application is not being monitored.

RLS Dataset Open: An indicator as to whether the address space has VSAM data sets open and using Record Level Sharing (RLS) processing.

SMF ID: The SYSTEM ID of the MVS system which is running this application.

Volume Count: Represents the total number of volumes allocated to this application in this address space. You can enable aggregation for this attribute in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Volume with High MSR Dataset: The volume label of the logical volume containing the data set with the longest response time in milliseconds for this application.

Volume with High MSR: The six-character identifier of the logical device with the longest response time in milliseconds in use by this application.

Volume: The six-character identifier associated with this logical volume.