RLS Performance Overview

The RLS Performance Overview attributes provide performance data for each interval for each system in the sysplex with activity and one row of data is given for each interval across the sysplex.

Avg Queue Length|: Average number of requests waiting for locks in thousandths.

Contention Rate: Percentage of lock requests that were globally managed in thousandths of a percent.

False Cont Rate: Percentage of lock requests that were falsely globally managed in thousandths of a percent.

Interval: Time interval for which data was captured. Either 1 minute, 1 hour, 8 hours, or 1 day.

Lock Name: The name of the lock structure.

Lock Rate: Number of lock requests per second in thousandths

ORIGINNODE: An internal node name used to identify the system.


Statistics Level: Statistics level, indicating if the data is for the sysplex or an individual system.

System Sysplex Name: Either the sysplex or system name.

Systems Reporting: The number of systems included in the sysplex statistics. This will be 1 for a single system report.