RLS Buffer LSU Summary

The RLS Buffer LSU Summary attributes provide the status of the activity for all buffers.

Average CF Cache Read Hit Pct: The average CF Cache read hit percent over the collection interval.

Average DASD Hit Pct: The average DASD hit percent over the collection interval.

Average Local CI Refresh Pct: The average percentage of RE-DO operations over the collection interval.

Avg Recursive Local CI Ref Pct: The average percentage of recursive RE-DO operations across the sysplex.

BMF Accelerated Mode: Total number of buffer manager LRU intervals processed, where BMF was over the goal, accelerated the aging, but did not go into panic mode. This is the LRU intervals in accelerated mode.

BMF Accelerated Mode Pct: Percentage of average intervals where BMF was over the goal, accelerated the aging but did not go into panic mode in tenths of a percent. This is the percent of intervals in accelerated mode.

BMF Panic Mode: Total number of Buffer Manager LRU intervals where BMF was over the goal, and normal algorithms were bypassed to reclaim buffers. This is panic mode.

BMF Panic Mode Pct: The percent of LRU intervals during which BMF was in panic mode in tenths of a percent.

BMF Write Requests: Total write requests through BMF.

Collection Interval: Time span over which data was collected in seconds.

Collection Time: Time when data was collected.

Curr Recursive Local CI Ref Pct: The percentage of recursive RE-DO operations over the current LRU interval.

Current® BMF Read Hit Pct: The BMF read hit percent for the current LRU interval.

Current CF Cache Read Hit Pct: The percentage of CF cache read hits over the current LRU interval.

Current DASD Hit Pct: The percentage of DASD hits over the current LRU interval.

Current Local CI Refresh Pct: The percentage of RE-DO operations over the current LRU interval.

Location: Indicates if the statistics are for buffers above or below the bar.

Max BMF Read Hit Pct: The maximum BMF read hit percent for any LRU interval over the collection interval.

Max Recursive Local CI Ref Pct: The maximum percentage of recursive RE-DO operations for any LRU interval over the collection interval.

Maximum CF Cache Read Hit Pct: The maximum CF Cache read hit percent for any LRU interval over the collection interval.

Maximum DASD Hit Pct: The maximum DASD hit percent for any LRU interval over the collection interval.

Maximum Local CI Refresh Pct: The maximum percentage of RE-DO operations for any LRU interval over the collection interval.

Min BMF Read Hit Pct: The minimum BMF read hit percent for any LRU interval over the collection interval.

Min Recursive Local CI Ref Pct: The minimum percentage of recursive RE-DO operations for any LRU interval over the collection interval.

Minimum CF Cache Read Hit Pct: The minimum CF Cache read hit percent for any LRU interval over the collection interval.

Minimum DASD Hit Pct: The minimum DASD hit percent for any LRU interval over the collection interval.

Minimum Local CI Refresh Pct: The minimum percentage of RE-DO operations for any LRU interval over the collection interval.

ORIGINNODE: An internal node name used to identify the system.

Recursive Local CI Refresh: Total number of recursive RE-DO operations.

Recursive Local CI Refresh Pct: The percentage of RE-DO operations that went recursive in tenths of a percent.


Statistics Level: Statistics level, indicating if the data is for the sysplex or an individual system.

System Sysplex Name: Either the sysplex or system name.

Total BMF LRU Intervals: Total number of Buffer Manager LRU intervals processed.

Total BMF Read Hits: Number of BMF read hits.

Total BMF Requests: Total number of times that BMF was called.

Total Buffer Size High Goal: Total maximum buffer size goal.

Total Buffer Size High Value: Total high buffer size over the LRU interval.

Total CF Cache Read Hits: Total number of CF cache read hits.

Total DASD Hits: The number of times requests were satisfied from DASD.

Total Refresh Local CI Copy: Total number of redos.RE-DO is an operation to refresh your down level local copy of the CI for write integrity when there are concurrent write requests from multiple threads.

XCF Castout Lock Cont Retry Pct: Percentage of castout contentions retried in tenths of a percent.

XCF Castout Lock Contention: Total number of CF read requests that encountered XCF cast-out lock contention. The cast-out lock is a lock used with the data item (CI) to serialize the update to DASD.

XCF Castout Lock Retries: Total number of retries for castout-lock. Total number of CF read requests that had to be retried more than once because they encountered contention on the cast out lock.