RLS Lock Structure CF Detail

The RLS Lock Structure CF Detail attributes return information about the lock structure.

Duplex Time: Duplex elapsed time in seconds.

Entries Used Pct: Percent of lock structure entries in use in tenths of a percent.

Lock Mode: Lock structure mode. Valid values are duplex, duplexing, and simplex.

Lock Name: The name of the lock structure.

Lock Status: Lock status. Valid values are Not-Inited, Enabling, Enable, Qui-ing, Qui-ed.

ORIGINNODE: An internal node name used to identify the system.

Primary Version: Primary lock structure version. Display as hex character string.

Secondary Version: Secondary lock structure version. Only valid when mode is duplex or duplexing. Display as hex character string.

Structure Size: Size of the lock structure in kb.

Sysplex Name: The sysplex name from which the data is derived.

Total Entries: Total number of entries in the lock structure.

Used Entries: Number of entries in use in the lock structure.