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The configuration entries in this section allow the reverse proxy to act as an OIDC relying party. IBM Security Verify, IBM Security Verify Access and IBM Security Access Manager are supported as OIDC identity providers.

Response Type Values

Name Description
code The authorization code flow will be used to retrieve both an access token and identity token.
id_token The implicit flow will be used to retrieve the identity token.
id_token token The implicit flow will be used to retrieve both an access token and identity token.

Bearer Token Attrs Format

A JSON data element from the bearer token response which should be included or excluded in the credential as an extended attribute. The format of the configuration entry is:



Element Description
  • | Indicates that this JSON data should be added to the credential.
  • | Indicates that this JSON data should not be added to the credential. <json-data> | The corresponding JSON data name, which can also contain pattern matching characters (i.e. * ?).

For example the value "-access_token" indicates that the access_token should not be added to the credential.

When a bearer token is received each JSON data element will be evaluated against each rule in sequence until a match is found. The corresponding code (+|-) will then be used to determine whether the JSON data will be added to the credential or not. If the JSON data name does not match a configured rule it will by default be added to the credential.

ID Token Attrs Format

A claim from the ID token response which should be included or excluded in the credential as an extended attribute. The format of the configuration entry is:



Element Description
  • | Indicates that this claim should be added to the credential.
  • | Indicates that this claim should not be added to the credential. <claim> | The corresponding claim name, which can also contain pattern matching characters (i.e. * ?).

For example the value "-email" indicates that the email claim should not be added to the credential.

When an ID token is received each claim will be evaluated against each rule in sequence until a match is found. The corresponding code (+|-) will then be used to determine whether the claim will be added to the credential or not. If the claim name does not match a configured rule it will by default be added to the credential.


Name Type Constraints Description
discovery_endpoint string The fully qualified discovery endpoint for the OIDC OP.
For IBM Security Verify, this URL is usually in the format: https://<verify-hostname>/oidc/endpoint/default/.well-known/openid-configuration
For IBM Security Verify Access, this URL is usually in the format: https://<verify-access-hostname>/<junction>/sps/oauth/oauth20/metadata/<definition_name>
client_id string The client identity registered with the identity provider.
client_secret string The client secret registered with the identity provider.
ssl ssl
mapped_identity string Default value: {sub} A formatted string which is used to construct the credential principal name from elements of the ID token. Claims can be added to the identity string, surrounded by {}, for example:
{iss}/{sub} - would construct a principal name like the following:
redirect_uri_host string This is the host which is used in the redirect URI registered with the OIDC OP. If no redirect URI host is configured the host header from the request will be used. The format of the redirect URI will be: http[s]://<host>/pkmsoidc.
response_type string Values: code, id_token, id_token token

Default value: code
The required response type for authentication responses. See the Response Type Values table for a description of the available values.
response_mode string Values: query, fragment, form_post The required response mode for authentication responses. If no response mode is configured the response mode parameter will not be included in the authentication request.
proxy string Specifies the proxy, if any, which is used to reach the identity provider. The proxy configuration entry should be in URL format. Eg: http[s]://<address>:<port>
scopes Array of string Any scopes to be sent in the authentication request in addition to the openid scope.
allowed_query_args Array of string Additional query string arguments can be provided to the authentication kick-off URL which will in turn be appended to the corresponding authentication request. This entry is used to define a list of allowed query string arguments. Any other arguments passed to the kick-off URL will be ignored.
bearer_token_attrs Array of string A list of JSON data elements from the bearer token response which should be included or excluded in the credential as an extended attribute. See the Bearer Token Attrs Format table for a description of the expected format.
id_token_attrs Array of string A list of claims from the ID token response which should be included or excluded in the credential as an extended attribute. See the ID Token Attrs Format table for a description of the expected format.


SSL settings for the OIDC connection.


Name Type Constraints Description
certificate Array of string If required, any signer certificates required for the reverse proxy to trust the identity provider can be specified here in PEM format.


    client_id: 11111111-2222-3333-4444-5a5a5a5a5a5a5a
    client_secret: 1a2b3c4d5e
        - "@www-test-com-ca.pem"
    mapped_identity: "{sub}"
    response_type: code
    response_mode: query
      - profile
      - email
      - "oidc_test=value"
      - "-access_token"
      - "-email"