Installing on Linux

Download and install IBM Aspera faspio Gateway on your Linux system.

To install faspio Gateway on your Linux machine:

  1. Verify that you're on a supported version of Linux. Supported versions are listed in the release notes.
  2. Download the Linux installer from IBM Passport Advantage.
  3. Choose the .deb or .rpm package that is specifically for your system.

    The names of the installers follow the syntax:

  4. Install from either the .deb or .rpm package:
    • .deb:
      sudo apt install ./ibm-faspio-gateway_1.2.0-version_arch.deb
    • .rpm:
      sudo yum install ./ibm-faspio-gateway_1.2.0-version_arch.rpm
  5. If you are using faspio Gateway as a FASP server, you must provide a valid license at /usr/local/etc/faspio/aspera-license.
    For more information about configuration and client versus server usage, see Configuring the Gateway.

The installed file locations are indicated as follows:

IBM Aspera license
Configuration files
SystemD service configuration file
IBM software licenses