Goodness of Fit

Figure 1. Goodness of fit
Goodness of fit

The usual concept of the likelihood function does not apply to generalized estimating equations; thus, the usual goodness of fit statistics cannot be computed. Instead, these information criteria based on a generalization of the likelihood are computed.

  • The Quasi-likelihood under Independence Model Criterion (QIC) can be used to help you choose between two correlation structures, given a set of model terms. The structure that obtains the smaller QIC is "better" according to this criterion.
  • The Corrected Quasi-likelihood under Independence Model Criterion (QICC) can be used to help you choose between two sets of model terms, given a correlation structure. The model that obtains the smaller QICC is "better" according to this criterion. The computation of the QICC assumes that the distribution, link function, and working correlation matrix specifications are all "correct" for the dataset.
