Configuring the application-authenticity security check

Configure the predefined MobileFirst application-authenticity security check to match your specific requirements.

About this task

The predefined application-authenticity security check (appAuthenticity) has a single configurable property: expirationSec. This property sets the expiration period for a successful security-check state. The expiration period determines the minimal interval for invoking the check again after a successful execution.

You can configure the value of the expirationSec application-authenticity security-check property, as outlined in the following procedure.
Note: The procedure explains how to use IBM MobileFirst™ Platform Operations Console to configure the property value. Alternatively, you can also set the property value directly in the application-descriptor file. For detailed information, see Configuring application security-check properties.


  1. In MobileFirst Operations Console, select your application version from the Applications section of the navigation sidebar, and then select the application Security tab.
  2. In the Security-Check Configurations section, select Create New.
  3. In the Configure Security-Check Properties window, configure the application-authenticity security check:
    1. In the Security Check field, select appAuthenticity from the list.
    2. In the Expiration Period, Successful State (seconds) field, set your preferred expiration period for a successful state of the security check, in seconds.
    When the configuration is done, you can see and edit your appAuthenticity security-check configuration in the Security-Check Configurations table of the application Security tab. See Configuring application security-check properties.