IBM Fault Analyzer for z/OS User's Guide and Reference Ver 14.1

Adding or removing blank lines

On screens with only a small number of lines able to be displayed at once, it might be advantageous to eliminate the insertion of blank lines in Fault Analyzer displays as much as possible. That way, the information is "condensed" and the need for vertical scrolling reduced. Of course, readability of the information might be somewhat impaired.

The View menu Add Blank Lines and Remove Blank Lines options control the insertion or elimination of blank lines respectively. These action-bar pull-down menu options are available from most Fault Analyzer displays. (For information about Fault Analyzer action-bar pull-down menus in general, see Action-bar pull-down menus.)

The default setting is to add blank lines.

Only the reverse of the currently active option is available from the View menu. That is, if Add Blank Lines is in effect, then only Remove Blank Lines is available for selection and vice versa.
