Definitions for Catalog Migration

Defining a Catalog

The following applies to both master and user catalogs. Whenever you use BACKUP/RESTORE or EXPORT/IMPORT for migration, you must first define the catalog that will own the VSE/VSAM objects after migration.

VSE/VSAM defines a VSE/VSAM data space from which the catalog is suballocated. This is done on CKD devices using the DEDICATE, ORIGIN, CYLINDERS, TRACKS, or RECORDS subparameter of DEFINE MASTERCATALOG│USERCATALOG. FBA devices require the same process, except that the DEDICATE, ORIGIN, BLOCKS or RECORDS subparameter must be specified. (CYLINDERS or TRACKS is not accepted.) Therefore, you must convert a CYLINDERS or TRACKS value to a BLOCKS or RECORDS quantity.

If you specify DEDICATE for the CKD device, no conversion is necessary.

Convert the number of tracks or cylinders into the number of bytes, using LISTCAT to determine the number of bytes per track and tracks per cylinder. Divide the number of bytes by 512 to determine the BLOCKS value. Adjust it accordingly if you want more or less space allocated.

The beginning-block-number specification in the ORIGIN parameter depends on where you want the data space to be on the volume (VSE/VSAM always rounds it to the next minimum CA boundary). Use the LVTOC utility program to determine what space is available on the volume. The catalog will be located at the beginning of the defined data space. In VSE/VSAM Commands, refer to
  • the description of the NAME|VOLUME... parameter in the description of the LISTCAT command,
  • the description for special fields BLKS/MAX-CA.

You may wish to change other subparameters of MCAT or UCAT (for instance, the volume serial number), but there are no special considerations for FBA devices.

Specify the actual space to be suballocated for your catalog using the BLOCKS or RECORDS subparameters of DATA and INDEX. Do not try to directly convert a CKD catalog size definition to a fixed block definition. Instead, calculate the desired values; refer to the instructions in the Defining a Catalog . To avoid an overly small, inefficient CA size, make the secondary allocation value at least as large as the desired CA size.

Defining a VSE/VSAM Data Space

The considerations for data space definition are essentially the same as for catalog definition. Differences are:
  • A catalog is not suballocated from the data space.
  • Both BACKUP/RESTORE and EXPORT/IMPORT assume that you have already defined a VSE/VSAM data space on the new volume.

If CANDIDATE is specified with DEFINE SPACE, fixed block data space definition is the same as CKD data space definition.

Defining a Non-Unique Cluster or Alternate Index

Because these files (or their components) are suballocated from VSE/VSAM data spaces, there are no job control considerations for FBA devices. For FBA devices, you must convert the TRACKS or CYLINDERS subparameters to BLOCKS or RECORDS. (The RECORDS subparameter does not require conversion.) This conversion is the same as described above for catalog conversion.

Defining a Unique Cluster or Alternate Index

If a cluster or alternate index contains both a non-unique component and a unique component, conversion considerations for the non-unique component are as described above.

For every unique component (data and, if present, index), you must convert EXTENT statement parameters and the TRACKS│CYLINDERS subparameters. Both conversions are required because a unique component occupies its own VSE/VSAM data space. If the component is to be on more than one volume, specify a new EXTENT statement for every volume.