The REPRO command is used to do any of the following:
  • Copy a VSE/VSAM file into another VSE/VSAM file.
  • Copy a sequential file on tape or disk into another sequential file on tape or disk.
  • Convert a sequential or indexed-sequential file into a VSE/VSAM file.
  • Convert a VSE/VSAM or ISAM file into a sequential file.
  • Reorganize the records and space in a key-sequenced file into another key-sequenced file. To find out what happens when records from the input file are added to an empty or nonempty output file, see Reorganizing a File.
  • Merge two VSE/VSAM files.
  • The input file can be on SYSIPT, in which case dname has to be specified as SYSIPT.
  • Copy a catalog to a:
    • sequential nonVSAM file, or
    • VSE/VSAM key-sequenced file, or
    • entry-sequenced file,

    and copy such files to a catalog. Do not copy the master catalog to a VSE/VSAM file. See Example 17: Using REPRO to Reload a User Catalog.

    Note that:
    • A catalog should be restored to the same physical volume from which it was copied.
    • The previous catalog should not be deleted from the disk prior to reloading the catalog.

    The original catalog must still exist on the volume prior to the restore. If it does not exist, other VSE/VSAM files on the volume may be inaccessible. For further explanations, refer to Reloading a Catalog.

If you want to verify the syntax of this command before modifying data, run a trial job specifying PARM SYNCHK. (For further information, see the description of the SYNCHK parameter under PARM.) The format of the REPRO command is:

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramREPRO INFILE( dname/passwordEnvironment)OUTFILE( dname/passwordEnvironment)ERRORMAX(3)ERRORMAX( count)FROMADDRESS( address)FROMKEY( key)FROMNUMBER( number)SKIP( count)TOADDRESS( address)TOKEY( key)TONUMBER( number)COUNT( count)NOREPLACEREPLACENOREUSEREUSE
  • 1 HINDEXDEVICE can be specified only for INFILE.