ADAPRCF (Precoordination Function) Exit
- ADAPRCOM (Precoordination Commit)
- ADAPRBCK (Precoordination Backout).
The precoordination exit gives your resource adapter a chance to do other processing before the SPM calls the registered resources for the actual commit or backout processing. The resource adapter can use this exit to do such things as flush buffers and release read locks. A very important task in this exit is for the resource adapter to verify that it is in the proper state for a sync point and then inform the SPM. Resource adapters are driven for the precoordination exit before any protected conversations are driven.
This exit provides optional asynchronous capability by using the ADAREDRV (Redrive) return code. However, if the SPM passes a request ID of 0 on the call, the resource adapter must use synchronous processing.
This exit is intended to provide an opportunity for the resource adapter to communicate with the resource manager to ensure that everything is ready for the sync point. It should not be used to do any work with another resource. Except for protected conversations, which are always called last, you cannot predict the order in which the SPM will call the resource adapters registered for the work unit; therefore, you cannot predict when those changes will be committed.
SFS flushes its buffers before the precoordination exit. Do not use this exit to write to any SFS file pool, because the changes will not be committed.