Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram SCREen area1DEFaultextcolorexthilightNONeNONeexthilightextcolorDEFault
  • 1 A given area type may be specified only once.


Privilege Class: G


Use SCREEN to change:
  • Screen color definition
  • Screen highlight definition.

The initial settings are the default colors green and white.


specifies the area of the screen. The area can be:
Area Meaning
ALL The entire screen. If you specify this operand, you cannot specify any other area on the same command.
INArea The input area
STAtarea The system status area
OUTarea The output area. If you specify OUTAREA, you cannot specify CPOUT, VMOUT, or INREDISP on the same command line.
CPOut Output from the CP. You may not specify CPOUT on the same command as OUTAREA.
VMOut Output from CMS or the virtual machine operating system running in your virtual machine. You may not specify VMOUT on the same command line as OUTAREA.
INRedisp Your input redisplay. You may not specify INREDISP on the same command line as OUTAREA.
specifies the color you want to assign to an area of your screen. The choice of colors are:
  • BLUe
  • TURquois
  • RED
  • PINk
  • GREen
  • WHIte
  • YELlow
  • DEFault (green and white)
specifies the extended highlight value you want to assign to an area of your screen. The exthilight value can be:
Value Meaning
BLInk Blinking
REVvideo Reverse video
UNDerlin Underlining
NONe No extended highlighting

Usage Notes

  1. If you enter the SCREEN command from a display that does not support extended color or extended highlighting, CP still sets the values you specify for the virtual machine console. If you disconnect from that display and logon at a display that does support extended color or extended highlighting, the values you set are in effect for your virtual machine after the reconnection. These values remain in effect for the duration of the current session unless you alter them with another SCREEN command.
  2. You cannot specify a particular area operand more than once on the same SCREEN command line.
  3. Since the command is not device dependent, you may enter the SCREEN command from any IBM®-supported terminal or from a PROFILE EXEC. However, the terminal controller must have the extended color feature installed for the SCREEN command to have an effect on your display.
  4. If you enter the SCREEN command for a particular area and you specify only the extcolor or default option, the exthilight remains unchanged from its previous setting. Likewise, if only the exthilight or NONE option is specified, the extcolor remains unchanged from its previous setting.
  5. If CPOUT uses the default color, then incoming MSGs, WNGs, and MSGNOHs will be displayed in white. If you change the CPOUT color, then incoming MSGs, WNGs, and MSGNOHs are displayed in the CPOUT color you specified.


If you enter
screen outarea red none inarea blink green statarea pink underlin
CP sets the following values for your terminal:
Area specified Area affected Color Exthighlight
outarea cpout red none
vmout red none
inredisp red none
inarea inarea green blinking
statarea statarea pink underlining


Response 1:
Command complete
is issued when the command completes successfully.


  • HCP002E Invalid operand - operand
  • HCP026E Operand missing or invalid