Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram Query PATHs TO rdevrdev1- rdev2


Privilege Class: B, E


Use QUERY PATHS to display:
  • All paths installed to a specific device or range of devices
  • Installed path status


TO rdev
TO rdev1-rdev2
is the real device number or range of real device numbers whose path allocation information you want. Each rdev in the active configuration can be entered as a 4-digit hexadecimal number between X'0000' and X'FFFF'. For a device in the active or standby configuration, the device number can be a 5-digit hexadecimal number between X'00000' and X'3FFFF' with the leading digit specifying the subchannel set where the device is configured. You can specify a single device address, a range of device addresses, or any combination thereof. A range of devices cannot span subchannel sets.

Usage Notes

  1. The standard response lines for QUERY PATHS are shown in the following example. They are called standard because they will always be displayed for a device that has installed paths.
    Device 0291, Status ONLINE
     CHPIDs to Device 0291 (PIM)  : 19 1B 2E 2F
      Physically Available (PAM)  : +  +  +  +
      Online               (LPM)  : +  +  +  +
              Legend         + Yes - No
  2. The query response reflects the current hardware information for paths that are physically installed and physically available. The logical path information you see represents a snapshot of what CP knows based on information in the RDEV.
  3. For information about the devices associated with a specific channel path, see QUERY CHPID.
  4. Error messages produced for this command may vary depending on how the device was specified on the command line. When a single device is listed on the command line, an error will be reported if there is no query information available for that single device. For example:
    query paths to  102
    HCPQPA0040E Device 0102 does not exist
    When a range of devices is listed on the command line, only devices that have query information available are shown. Errors messages are not issued for individual devices within the range. For example:
    query paths to  100-105
    Device 0105, Status OFFLINE
     CHPIDs to Device 0105 (PIM)  : 19 1B 2E 2F
      Physically Available (PAM)  : +  +  +  +
      Online               (LPM)  : +  +  +  +
               Legend     + Yes - No
    If query information is not available for at least one device in a range, then a generic error message will be issued. For example:
    query paths to  100-102
    HCPQPA1003E 0100-0102 was not found.


Response 1 (Generic):

The following is the full, generic response to the QUERY PATHS command. Normally, you will see only pieces of this response, as CP displays only the lines that have data. For example, if the device does not have any offline channel paths, CP would not display lines 6 through 10. The maximum number of channel paths is 8, as shown in the example. CP displays only the number of channel paths attached to the device. The responses that follow this generic one will show examples of these shortened responses.

 1     Device rdev, Status status
 2      CHPIDs to Device rdev (PIM)  : chpid1 .......... chpid8
 3       Physically Available (PAM)  :  +/-   ..........   +/- 
 4       Online               (LPM)  :  +/-   ..........   +/- 
 5       Preferred                   :  +/-   ..........   +/- 
 6       Offline by Authorized User  :  +/-   ..........   +/- 
 7       Offline by ESCON Manager    :  +/-   ..........   +/- 
 8       Out of Path Group by Guest  :  +/-   ..........   +/- 
 9       Offline by Control Unit     :  +/-   ..........   +/- 
10       Offline, Wrong CU Connection:  +/-   ..........   +/- 
11       Transport Mode Supported    :  +/-   ..........   +/- 
12       Encrypted Link              :  +/-   ..........   +/-
13       Authenticated Link          :  +/-   ..........   +/-                            
14                            Legend     + Yes - No 
tells you the real device number of the device and its status. The status field can contain the following:
device is not available to CP, usually because of a hardware condition
device is disabled
device is enabled
device is offline
device is online
device is offline for maintenance
device is subchannel disabled, see VARY SUBCHANNEL.
device has been forced online in test mode, see VARY (Real Device).
identifies the real device number and the channel path identifiers (CHPIDs) of all paths physically installed to that device. This is also known as the path installed mask (PIM).
identifies the paths that are physically available to the device. This is also known as the path available mask (PAM).
identifies the paths that are logically online to the device. This is also known as the logical path mask (LPM).
identifies the preferred paths to the device, if applicable.
identifies the paths that are logically offline because the VARY PATH command was issued by an authorized user.
identifies the paths that are logically offline because the ESCON configuration program has taken them offline.
identifies the paths removed from the path group by a guest that is managing the paths to a device.
identifies the channel paths that are unavailable to the device and locked offline while service is applied to this channel path. Once service on this channel path is completed, a corresponding resume issued by the Service Representative (SR) will cause this channel path to be varied online to the device. If for some reason the resume request did not vary this channel path back online, the FORCE option on the VARY PATH command can be used to override the quiesced path and vary the channel path online to the device. The FORCE option should only be used when the SR indicates that service is complete and a resume was issued but did not vary the channel path online.
identifies the paths that are logically offline because the wrong control unit connection was detected. This could happen as a result of a cable swap, for example.
indicates whether CHPIDs are enabled for Transport Mode. Use of High Performance FICON® for IBM Z® (zHPF) requires channel paths capable of Transport Mode. Moreover, a guest with the CHPIDVIRTUALIZATION ONE directory option can use zHPF only if Transport Mode is supported on all FICON channels in the system, or, in an SSI cluster, on all systems in the guest's assigned relocation domain.
identifies the paths that are encrypted.
identifies the paths that are authenticated.
identifies the legend information.

Response 2 (Path Status):

The following is an example of a query response you may see after an operator has issued the VARY PATH command:
Device 0291, Status ONLINE
 CHPIDs to Device 0291 (PIM)  : 19 1B 2E 2F
  Physically Available (PAM)  : +  +  +  +
  Online               (LPM)  : -  -  -  +
  Offline by Authorized User  : +  +  +  -
                       Legend     + Yes - No
This example shows:
  • device 291 is online and there are 4 paths physically installed to the device (19,1B,2E,2F)
  • 1 path (2F) is logically online
  • 3 paths (19,1B,2E) are logically offline because someone issued the VARY PATH command.

Response 3:

The following is an example of a query response you may see for a device that has never been online (for example, the device may have been listed in the DEVICES statement in the configuration file as NOTINITialized_at_ipl):
Device 019E, Status SUBCHOFF
 CHPIDs to Device 019E (PIM)  : 19 1B 2E 2F
  Physically Available (PAM)  : +  +  +  +
  Online               (LPM)  : -  -  -  -
                       Legend     + Yes - No
This example shows:
  • device 19E is in the subchannel disable state and has 4 paths physically installed to the device (19,1B,2E,2F)
  • all paths are logically offline

Response 4:

The following is an example of a query response you may see when several paths are offline for different reasons:
Device 0192, Status ONLINE
 CHPIDs to Device 0192 (PIM)  : 11 12 1A 22 30 40
  Physically Available (PAM)  : +  +  +  +  +  +
  Online               (LPM)  : -  -  +  +  +  -
  Offline by Authorized User  : +  -  -  -  -  -
  Offline by Control Unit     : -  +  -  -  -  +
                       Legend     + Yes - No
This example shows:
  • device 192 is in the online state and has 6 paths physically installed to the device (11,12,1A,22,30,40)
  • 3 paths (1A,22,30) are logically online to the device
  • 3 paths (11,12,40) are logically offline to the device
  • 1 path (11) is logically offline because someone issued the VARY PATH command.
  • 2 paths (12,40) are logically offline because someone has issued a command at the control unit in order to service the device


  • HCP003E Invalid option - {option|command contains extra option(s) starting with option}
  • HCP009E Invalid range - rdev-rdev
  • HCP021E A real device number was not supplied or it is invalid.
  • HCP026E Operand missing or invalid
  • HCP040E Device rdev does not exist
  • HCP1003E rdev-rdev was not found.
  • HCP1150E DASD {rdev|vdev} is not a valid base exposure.
  • HCP6706E Invalid RDEV - rdev. RDEV not initialized