Pascal Return Codes

When using Pascal procedure calls, check to determine whether the call has been completed successfully. Use the SayCalRe function (see SayCalRe) to convert the ReturnCode parameter to a printable form.

The SayCalRe function converts a return code value into a descriptive message. For example, if SayCalRe is invoked with the integer constant BADlengthARGUMENT, it returns the message buffer length specified. For a description of Pascal return codes and their equivalent message text from SayCalRe, see Table 1.

Most return codes are self-explanatory in the context where they occur. The return codes you see as a result of issuing a TCP/UDP/IP request are in the range -128 to 0. For more information, see the Explanatory Notes at the end of Table 1.

Table 1. Pascal Language Return Codes
Return Code Numeric Value Message Text
OK 0 OK.
ABNORMALcondition¹ -1 Abnormal condition during inter-address communication. (VMCF. RC=nn User=xxxxxxxx)
ALREADYclosing -2 Connection already closing.
BADlengthARGUMENT -3 Invalid length specified.
CANNOTsendDATA² -4 Cannot send data.
CLIENTrestart -5 Client reinitialized TCP/IP service.
CONNECTIONalreadyEXISTS -6 Connection already exists.
DESTINATIONunreachable -7 Destination address is unreachable.
ERRORinPROFILE -8 Error in profile file; details are in StackID.TCPERROR.
FATALerror³ -9 Fatal inter-address communications error. (VMCF. RC=nn User=xxxxxxxx)
HASnoPASSWORD -10 No password in RACF® directory.
INCORRECTpassword -11 TCPIP not authorized to access file.
INVALIDrequest -12 Invalid request.
INVALIDuserID -13 Invalid user ID.
INVALIDvirtualADDRESS -14 Invalid virtual address.
KILLEDbyCLIENT -15 You aborted the connection.
LOCALportNOTavailable -16 The requested local port is not available.
MINIDISKinUSE -17 File is in use by someone else and cannot be accessed.
MINIDISKnotAVAILABLE -18 File not available.
NObufferSPACE⁴ -19 No more space for data currently available.
NOmoreINCOMINGdata -20 The foreign host has closed this connection.
NONlocalADDRESS -21 The internet address is not local to this host.
NOoutstandingNOTIFICATIONS -22 No outstanding notifications.
NOsuchCONNECTION -23 No such connection.
NOtcpIPservice -24 No TCP/IP service available.
NOTyetBEGUN -25 Not yet begun TCP/IP service.
NOTyetOPEN -26 The connection is not yet open.
OPENrejected -27 Foreign host rejected the open attempt.
PARAMlocalADDRESS -28 TcpOpen error: invalid local address.
PARAMstate -29 TcpOpen error: invalid initial state.
PARAMtimeout -30 Invalid time-out parameter.
PARAMunspecADDRESS -31 TcpOpen error: unspecified foreign address in active open.
PARAMunspecPORT -32 TcpOpen error: unspecified foreign port in active open.
PROFILEnotFOUND -33 TCPIP cannot read profile file.
RECEIVEstillPENDING -34 Receive still pending on this connection.
REMOTEclose -35 Foreign host unexpectedly closed the connection.
REMOTEreset -36 Foreign host aborted the connection.
SOFTWAREerror -37 Software error in TCP/IP!
TCPipSHUTDOWN -38 TCP/IP service is being shut down.
TIMEOUTconnection -39 Foreign host is no longer responding.
TIMEOUTopen -40 Foreign host did not respond within OPEN time-out
TOOmanyOPENS -41 Too many open connections already exist.
UNAUTHORIZEDuser -43 You are not authorized to issue this command.
UNEXPECTEDsyn -44 Foreign host violated the connection protocol.
UNIMPLEMENTEDrequest -45 Unimplemented TCP/IP request.
UNKNOWNhost -46 Destination host is not known.
UNREACHABLEnetwork -47 Destination network is unreachable.
UNSPECIFIEDconnection -48 Unspecified connection.
VIRTUALmemoryTOOsmall -49 Client virtual machine has too little storage.
WRONGsecORprc -50 Foreign host disagreed on security or precedence.
YOURend -55 Client has ended TCP/IP service.
0resources -56 TCP cannot handle any more connections now.
UDPlocalADDRESS -57 Invalid local address for UDP.
UDPunspecADDRESS -59 Address unspecified when specification necessary.
UDPunspecPORT -60 Port unspecified when specification necessary.
UDPzeroRESOURCES -61 UDP cannot handle any more traffic.
FSENDstillPENDING -62 FSend still pending on this connection.
DROPPEDbyOPERATOR -79 Connection dropped by operator.
ERRORopeningORreadingFILE -80 Error opening or reading file.
FILEformatINVALID -81 File format invalid.
CANNOTreadFILE -85 A file used by the operation cannot be read. The file may not exist, or it may be a file mode 0 file.
CANNOTwriteFILE -86 A file used by the operation cannot be written to. The file may not exist, or it may be a file mode 0 file.
TLSnotAVAILABLE -87 The SSL server is currently not available.
LABELnotRECOGNIZED -88 The security server is available but the label is not recognized.
LABELnotPERMITTED -89 The security server is available but the user is not authorized to use the label specified.
KEYRINGnotRECOGNIZED -90 The security server is available but the keyring is not recognized.
KEYRINGnotPERMITTED -91 The security server is available but the user is not authorized to use the keyring specified.
ALREADYsecured -92 The request to secure the connection failed. The connection is already secure.
STATICALLYsecured -93 The request to dynamically secure the connection failed. The connection is already statically secured.
CONNECTIONnotSECURE -94 The request to close a secure connection failed. The connection is not secure.
SSLhandshakeINprogress -95 The request cannot be made at this time. There is an SSL handshake currently in progress on this connection.
MIXEDaddresses -96 A mixture of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses have been specified in the Status6InfoType record, this is not allowed.
IPv6connection -97 An IPv4 function has been issued against an IPv6 connection, the data returned is not valid.
SSLnotRESPONDING -98 A QueryTLS request was made to the SSL server but the server is not responding.
BACKlevelSSL -99 The current SSL server is backlevel and does not support TLS negotiated security.
TCPipALREADYstarted -101 TCP/IP services have already been started.
PERSTISTclose -102 The request cannot be made at this time. The PerstistConnectionLimit has been reached.
SSLserverNOTfound -103 The specified SSL server does not exist.
SSLserverISactive -104 The specified SSL server is already active.
SSLcloseINprogress -105 The request cannot be made at this time. There is an SSL close currently in progress on this connection.
UNKNOWNinterface -106 The interface specified on the QUERY OSA command is not a valid interface.
TIMEOUTosaREQUEST -107 The request was sent to the OSA but no response was received.
TRYagainLater -108 An OSA request is already in progress. Try the request again at a later time.
QUERYoatNOTsupported -109 The query request is not supported by the OSA hardware.
CERTdataNOTavail -110 The requested certificate data is not available. Check the CDRetCode field in the CertDataCompleteDetailType structure that is returned on the call.