Capturing SMAPI Data for Problem Resolution

SMSTATUS is a special stand-alone EXEC that captures data regarding the status of the various SMAPI servers and system settings that are useful for investigating suspected problems involving SMAPI. Use it to perform the same function as SMAPI_Status_Capture when that API cannot be executed because SMAPI is not responsive. See SMAPI_Status_Capture for more information on that API.

To use this EXEC, follow these steps:

  1. The SMSTATUS EXEC is designed to be run by MAINT. To run the exec:
    1. Log on as MAINT.
    2. Access the directory.
    3. Access MAINT's 193 disk. It must be accessed in your search order after the directory.
    4. Enter SMSTATUS.
  2. Running SMSTATUS may prompt you for a password, in order to test that the directory manager is configured correctly. You will be prompted to check if you are in a VMREAD state. If you are, then enter your logon password to continue.
  3. When the SMSTATUS EXEC completes, there will be an output file created in the VMSYS:VSMWORK1.STATUS directory, as specified by the Server_STATUS = attribute in the DMSSICNF COPY file. The EXEC itself will indicate the name and location of this file. It will be a text file, and can be provided to IBM Service to assist with diagnosing suspected problems. SMAPI will retain the n most recent output files from invocations of SMSTATUS, where n is determined by the Server_StatusLog_Max = attribute. See Configuring SMAPI for more information.
The return and reason codes returned by the SMSTATUS EXEC are as follows:
RC RC Name RS RS Name Description
0 RC_OK 0 RS_NONE Request successful
8 RC_ERR 14 RS_FREE_MODE_NOT_AVAIL Free modes not available
    3015 RS_FILE_SAVE_ERROR File could not be saved
396 RCERR_INTERNAL nnnn psrc Internal system error - product-specific return code

Usage Notes

  • SMSTATUS does not clear or rotate logs after it collects them.
  • If you are running an External Security Manager (ESM), SMSTATUS can fail to collect console logs even if you configured SMAPI as indicated in Using SMAPI with an External Security Manager. This failure will be noted in the SMSTATUS output.
  • The SMSTATUS output for some ESM-related problems will be incomplete. To diagnose a problem related to an ESM, you might need to provide all relevant profiles, all group membership for groups authorized by those profiles, and the list of all groups that any user listed in those profiles (either directly or via another group) is a member of. One way to provide this information is via a data base dump.