Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramDIRMaintPrefix Keywords1 GETCONsole ?FULldateISOdateSHortdatespoolid
  • 1 For more information on prefix keywords, see the DIRMAINT EXEC.


Use the GETCONSOLE operand of the DIRMAINT command to return a copy of the console logfile from the DIRMAINT machine.


specifies that the list of available console files is to be displayed to the issuing user.
specify for the CP QUERT PRT command.
specify for the CP QUERT PRT command.
specify for the CP QUERT PRT command.
specifies the specific spool ID to be returned to the user. If spoolid is not specified, the currently active console file is closed and returned.
Note: Specifying the spool ID of the currently active console spool file will result in an error. To obtain a copy of the currently active console spool file, omit the spoolid parameter.

Usage Notes

  1. You may use one or more of the prefix keywords (REQuest, TOsys, ASuser, BYuser, PRESET, MENU) with this command. These prefix keywords may be specified in any order, but each keyword may only be specified once. The FOR and AT prefix keywords are not applicable to the command. They are accepted without error, but otherwise ignored.
  2. Optional parameters are allowed on this command, but none are required. Use the MENU prefix operand to display the menu for this command so you can select or fill in the optional parameters.
  3. For more information about the FULLDATE, ISODATE, or SHORTDATE operands, type HELP CP QUERY or see z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference.