
Find terms that are used in this documentation.

A collection of z/OS® assets, such as volumes, data sets, CICS® resources, or DB2® resources, from an existing z/OS, z/OS instance, or the Extended ADCD package. A component is reusable with different components to create more than one image.
Extended Application Developers Controlled Distribution (ADCD)
ZVDT also comes with the Extended ADCD package. The Extended ADCD package enables the enterprise users to use and develop their applications with the newest set of mainframe software packages, such as CICS, Db2®, IMS, z/OS, and JES2. You can select the software packages that you need, and provision the packages out of Extended ADCD to the target environment. For more information about Extended ADCD, see Extended ADCD reference.
The ZVDT hypervisor provides the ability to run unaltered z/OS software on Linux® on IBM Z®. Manual system configurations are required on the target environment. You need to install the hypervisor and configure how each instance will handle the networking. For installation instructions, see Installing and configuring the hypervisor.
A serial number and instance number, as stored by the z Systems® STIDP instruction. The instance number is similar to an LPAR number on a larger z Systems.
A collection of components that are packaged together as a single deliverable. An image contains the z/OS core system and user-selected z/OS applications and subsystems. An image is used to provision z/OS instances on target environments.
A z/OS instance that is running on a target environment from a created image.
instance number
A number in the range of 1 and 255 assigned to each z/OS instance on a base Linux machine. Each z/OS instance must operate under a different Linux user ID and the instance number is assigned to the user ID. The instance number is used in the same manner as the LPAR number on a larger z Systems.
The product entitlement that you purchased and the corresponding terms and conditions under which use is allowed.
In the IBM® License Key Center, a quantity of product entitlement parts purchased.
license entitlement
The IBM License Key Center interface and the quantity of entitlement parts purchased.
license key file
A file that represents the user’s license entitlement. License key files must be obtained, installed, and available to operate the product.
license monitor
A web browser interface that displays information about Sentinel Keys and clients that use them. It is accessed at port 7002 on a Linux system that runs a license server, but might not be functional on recent Linux distributions.
license server
The License Development Kit–Software License (LDK-SL) server that distributes software-based license keys without the need for a USB hardware device. This server is also referred to as a software-based license server.
The IBM License Key Server that is used to share license entitlements among several IBM products.
In ZVDT, a network-accessible service that manages and dispenses ZVDT licenses from a token or a “software-only” service. It operates as a Linux daemon and is automatically started (after it is installed) when Linux is started. A “local” ZVDT installation internally accesses the license server through internal TCP/IP. Remote license servers are accessed through network TCP/IP.
product entitlement
The terms and conditions under which the product can be run by the license.
product license server
See license server.
provisioning tools
Refers to a web UI with role-based access control and REST APIs. The provisioning tools ease the process of provisioning and managing your z/OS instances. With either the web UI or REST APIs, you can perform tasks including but not limited to:
  • Extract artifacts, such as volumes and data sets, from existing IBM Z platforms to create components.
  • Transfer components to the storage server.
  • Build images from components.
  • Provision z/OS instances of selected images to target environments.
  • Manage and monitor components, images, and instances.
serial number
A value in the range of 1 and 65535 (4 hex digits). The serial number is assigned by the UIM function to the base Linux and used by ZVDT to provide the z Systems serial number.
software-based license server
The remote ZVDT that distributes authentication by using software-based license keys.
See also license server.
software-based license server update file
The specific license key file that is generated in the IBM License Key Center and installed on a software-based license server by using an update_license command. This file is used for software-based licensing.
source environment
The environment where ZVDT users extract components.
Several types of source environments are supported, including z/OS on IBM Z physical hardware, Linux systems that run a z/OS instance, and Extended ADCD.
storage server
ZVDT stores extracted information on the intermediary storage machine, for example, FTP or SFTP server. Extracted information is never deleted from the storage server until the information is manually deleted, which enables you to provision as many as machines that you want based on your license entitlement. You need to prepare such a storage server and ensure enough storage on the storage server to hold the required artifacts.
target environment
An Linux on IBM Z environment that is capable of running one or more z/OS instances.
virtual tap adapter
Each z/OS instance of ZVDT requires a MacVTap adapter, which allows the instance to have a dedicated IP address and the full set of ports for use. For more information about the MacVTap adapter, see Using the MacVTap driver.
web server
A server that enables ZVDT provisioning tools. It is a component of ZVDT.
The web server can be installed on the same system as the software-based license server.
ZD&T z/OS Extraction Utilities
A component of ZVDT to be installed on one or more IBM Z platforms to allow ZVDT to use such IBM Z platforms as source environments to extract z/OS, CICS, and Db2 resources.
Installation of ZD&T z/OS Extraction Utilities is required only if you need to create components from either the physical or emulated IBM Z platforms.