Installing IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition 17

TPF Toolkit 4.6 Fix Pack 17 or later requires IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition 17.


  1. Download IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition 17 from the IBM® Semeru Runtimes Downloads web page.
    Choose a JDK package for the x64 architecture for the Windows or Linux® system.
  2. Extract the archived file into a local directory, for example:
    • For the Windows system: C:\IBM\java
    • For the Linux system: /usr/IBM/java

What to do next

The TPFToolkit.ini file in the product archive needs to be updated with the following lines before the -vmargs line, unless IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition 17 is installed as the system Java™.
  • For the Windows system:
  • For the Linux system: