z/TPF DFDL offline utility (tpfdatamap)

You can use the z/TPF DFDL offline utility to validate the contents of DFDL schema files before you load them to the z/TPF system.


tpfdatamap action [option] filenames
Specifies one of the following values:
Displays the help menu.
Parses a data file to create a document.
Serializes a document to create a data file.
Transforms data from one format to another.
Validates the DFDL schema file.
-d, --diag
Displays additional diagnostic messages.
-e, --errors
Displays error messages only; warnings are ignored.
-i, --input=infile
Start of changeReads a file as input for the DFDL operation, where infile is the input file name. For serialize operations, the file extension must be .bson, .csv, .json, .properties, or .xml.End of change
-o, --output=outfile
Writes output from the DFDL operation to a file upon successful completion, where outfile is the output file name. For parse operations, the file extension must be .bson, .csv, .json, .properties, or .xml.
-r, --root=element
Specifies the root element to use for the DFDL operation, where element is the root element.
-s, --source=element
Specifies the source root element to use for the transform operation, where element is the root element.
-t, --target=element
Specifies the target root element to use for the transform operation, where element is the root element.
The relative or fully qualified name of one or more DFDL schema files.

Additional information

  • All errors and warnings that are found in a DFDL schema file are written to the standard error (stderr) stream.
  • You cannot load a DFDL schema file that contains errors to the z/TPF system.
  • Warnings are ignored but might cause unintended behavior.
  • This offline validation performs the same DFDL validations that are done online during common deployment restart or a loadset activation.
  • Start of changeIf the location for the libtpfdfdl shared object changes from when tpfdatamap was last linked, change the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to reference the updated location for tpfdatamap to locate it.End of change