Using the IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools

The IBM® Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools are a set of GUI-based tools which you can use to monitor your applications, analyze resource usage, and diagnose problems. The tools can help you to optimize application performance, improve application stability, reduce resource usage, and resolve problems more quickly.

The tools provide output in various formats, such as tables, charts, graphs, and recommendations. Use this output to complete the following diagnostic tasks:
  • Detect deadlock conditions
  • Monitor thread activity
  • See which methods are taking the most time to run
  • See which objects are using the most memory
  • Find memory leaks and I/O bottlenecks
  • Analyze the efficiency of Java™ collections, such as arrays
  • Understand the relationships between application objects
  • Visualize garbage collection performance
  • Get recommendations for tuning the Java virtual machine (VM) and improving application performance
The following tools are available:
Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer
Analyze the memory usage, garbage collection behavior, and performance of applications, by plotting verbose garbage collection data from dump files. Tuning recommendations are also provided.
Interactive Diagnostic Data Explorer
Use commands to extract information from dump files. This tool is a GUI-based version of the jdmpview command, with extra features.
Memory Analyzer
Analyze the memory usage and performance of applications, using data from dump files.
The tools are available to download, free of charge, into IBM Support Assistant. Most tools are also available to download from Eclipse marketplace. The IBM Support Assistant is a free workbench that is designed to help you with problem determination. The IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools is just one set of tools that you can install into the IBM Support Assistant.

For more information about the IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools, see the IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools product documentation and the IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools developerWorks® page.