Software prerequisites for z/OSMF

It is recommended that you complete the planning for z/OSMF before you configure it.

Be sure to obtain the latest PTFs; see Receiving service updates for z/OSMF.

The core services and optional services in z/OSMF have additional system set-up requirements. Enabling these services requires some customization of the z/OS host system, as described in z/OSMF core services and z/OSMF optional services.

Minimum Java level

Java must be installed and operational on your z/OS system, z/OSMF V3R1 requires IBM® Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS® Version 11 at the required minimum level:
  • IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, (formerly known as IBM 64-bit SDK for z/OS, Java™ Technology Edition), Version (5655-DGJ).
Start of changeWith APAR PH59439, which is identified with SMP/E FIXCAT IBM.TargetSystem-RequiredService.Semeru.17, the default Java level for z/OSMF was changed to IBM® Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS® Version 17, the required IBM® Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS® Version 17 at the minimum service level:
  • IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version (5655-UA1).
End of change
This set-up must be done before you configure z/OSMF. By default, the SDK resides in the directory Start of change/usr/lpp/java/J17.0_64End of change on your system. If you installed it in another location, be sure to include the JAVA_HOME statement in your IZUPRMxx parmlib member, as shown in IZUPRMxx reference information.
Note: Start of changeThe default Java level for z/OSMF was changed to IBM® Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS® Version 17 with APAR PH59439 because IBM® Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS® Version 11 is planned to be end of marketing on April 1, 2024. IBM® Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS® Version 11 is planned to be end of support on November 30, 2024. If you upgrade to z/OS 3.1 after April 1, 2024, you can use and install IBM® Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS® Version 17 without needing IBM® Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS® Version 11 to satisfy this z/OSMF dependency. End of change

WebSphere® Liberty profile

z/OSMF uses the Liberty Profile that is supplied with z/OS, rather than its own copy of Liberty. The WebSphere Liberty profile must be mounted on your z/OS system. The default mount point is: /usr/lpp/liberty_zos. To determine whether WebSphere® Liberty profile is mounted, check for the existence of the mount point directory on your z/OS system.

If WebSphere® Liberty profile is mounted at a non-default location, you must specify the location in the IZUSVR1 started procedure on the keyword WLPDIR=. For more information, see IZUSVR reference information.

Note: Whenever you apply PTFs for z/OSMF, you might be prompted to install outstanding WebSphere Liberty service. It is recommended that you do so to maintain z/OSMF functionality.

Web browser

The following web browsers are supported by z/OSMF, and are recommended for best results:
  • Google Chrome V111 or later (Windows 11, macOS 12.6 and later version)
  • Mozilla Firefox 102.9 or later (Windows 11, macOS 12.6 and later version)
  • Microsoft Edge V111 (Windows 11)