Using the zACS z/OSMF External plug-in

Once the zACS GUI is configured and users given the necessary access to use the zACS GUI on z/OSMF, users can log in to z/OSMF and navigate to the IBM® z/OS® Authorized Code Scanner. Users can then perform various functions such as:

  • Generate and view PC, SVC, z/OS UNIX, and MVS™ tables.
  • View and update the inclusion and exclusion configurations.
  • Update the inclusion and exclusion data sets used for scans.
  • Run potential vulnerability scans for PC, SVC, z/OS UNIX, and MVS programs.
  • View potential vulnerability scan results.

Viewing the PC, SVC, z/OS UNIX, and MVS Tables

The generated tables for each type can be easily viewed on the home page of the GUI. Navigate to the home page to access the tables and explore the relevant information.

Each table has a separate tab.

Figure 1. GUI PC Table View
A screenshot showing what the PC table view looks like.
Figure 2. GUI SVC Table View
A screenshot showing what the SVC table view looks like.
Figure 3. GUI z/OS UNIX Table View
A screenshot showing what the UNIX table view looks like.
Start of change
Figure 4. GUI MVS Table View
A screenshot showing what the VS table view looks like.
End of change

Generating the PC, SVC, z/OS UNIX, and MVS Tables

To generate or refresh the tables, click the Generate or Refresh on the GUI. Selecting either option initiates the process of generating and updating the PC, SVC, z/OS UNIX, and MVS tables with the latest data. The tables must be generated before scans of a specific service type can be ran.

If the table is empty, click Generate Table.

Figure 5. GUI PC Empty Table View
A screenshot showing what an PC table view looks like.
Figure 6. GUI PC Generation Finish View
A screenshot showing the PC table view after generating the table.

Modifying Inclusion & Exclusion Lists

The GUI provides the flexibility to configure settings that are related to inclusion and exclusion for zACS scans. You can access the configuration options within the GUI and modify them according to your specific requirements. These settings determine the scope of the scans and which elements are included or excluded from analysis. These settings apply only to a full table scan, when not using optional parameters.

To access these settings from the GUI, click the gear icon in the upper right of the page.

Figure 7. GUI Setting Icon
A screenshot showing where the gear icon is located on the page.

You are then presented with the setting page with all the options from the userid.ZACS.CONFIG file.

Start of change
Figure 8. GUI Setting Window
A screenshot showing the settings panel with all the options from the userid.ZACS.CONFIG file.
End of change

Start of changePressing Submit updates the high-level qualifier.End of change

Start of changeClick Edit this configuration file to open the configuration file for editing.End of change

Start of change
Figure 9. Editing the configuration file from the GUI
A screenshot showing the Editing File panel.
End of change

Start of changeAfter your changes are made, click Save Configuration to run validation on the changes. The file is saved if validation is successful. If you want to revert the file to the previous saved state, click Cancel to close without saving. A confirmation window appears .End of change

Start of change
Figure 10. Closing the configuration file without saving
A screenshot showing the window pop-up for Unsaved Changes.
End of change


Start of changeFilter data sets are pulled from the configuration file and displayed on the main settings window. If the data sets exist the option to view or edit the data set appears. You must have authority to view or edit the data set to do so.End of change

Figure 11. GUI Setting Valid Data Set
Start of changeA screenshot showing what the view or edit data set view looks like.End of change

Clicking View Dataset opens a separate window where you can edit the contents of the data set. Click Submit to save your changes to the data set or Cancel to return to the previous screen without saving.

Figure 12. GUI Setting View Exclusion/Inclusion Data Set Window
A screenshot showing the View Dataset view.

Running zACS Scans

With the GUI, you can initiate zACS scans. Go to the test results page and locate Scan Now in the Run Scan section of the page.

Figure 13. GUI Empty Test Results Page
A screenshot showing the location of the Scan Now button.

Clicking Scan Now brings up a prompt to select the type of services you want to test, PCs, SVCs, z/OS UNIX programs, or MVS programs. After selecting the type of test, click Next.

Figure 14. GUI Run Scan Options
A screenshot showing the prompt to select the service to test.

To run a scan against the entire table, select the first option. Programs that are excluded by an inclusion or exclusion list are skipped.

Figure 15. GUI Run ALL PC Scan
A screenshot showing the scan options for the PC table.
Figure 16. GUI Run ALL SVC Scan
A screenshot showing the scan options for the SVC table.
Figure 17. GUI Run ALL z/OS UNIX Scan
A screenshot showing the scan options for the UNIX table.
Figure 18. GUI Run ALL MVS Scan
A screenshot showing the scan options for the MVS table.

Click Run Test to trigger the execution of the zACS scans to identify potential integrity vulnerabilities in your system.

When starting a full run, potentially hundreds of JCL jobs are submitted. When the ALL option is selected with PC, SVC, z/OS UNIX, and MVS, a confirmation window pops up to prevent accidentally starting a large run. To continue with the run, click YES. To cancel click NO, doing so takes you back to previous screen.

Figure 19. GUI Confirmation Prompt
A screenshot showing the confirmation window after selecting Run with All option for the PC table.

To narrow the scope of the test with optional parameters, the scan by module name and scan by number options can be used. See Optional Parameters for details.

Figure 20. GUI Running a single PC module BPNTEST
A screenshot showing the PC Module name field for running the scan against PC Modules.
Figure 21. GUI Running a single SVC with routing number 109 and ESR 11
A screenshot showing the view of running a scan against a specified SVC Number.
Figure 22. GUI Running a z/OS UNIX file with path specified
A screenshot showing the view of running the view to run a scan against a specified USS File.

For PCs and SVCs, there is an option to run an advanced test. Selecting this option causes increased time until completion compared to a basic test.

Figure 23. GUI Run Scan with Advanced Testing
A screenshot showing the Enable Advanced Testing option in the Run a new scan view.

Viewing Scan Results

The scan results are organized such that the results of each type of service are in their own tab. Circle graphs are included that depict the historical pass, fail, and incomplete results for each type of testable service, at a glance. If multiple, unique, potential vulnerabilities are detected in a single service, the count reflects the number of unique potential vulnerabilities found. These results are cumulative from the initialization of the zACS started task. Restarting the started task clears the results and counts. Also, the user can filter the data based on specific dates to analyze the results of past scans or focus on recent runs. The circle graphs update to reflect the dates selected.

Figure 24. GUI Test Results Page Filled
A screenshot showing the test results page after a scan is run.

The results are presented in a clear and organized manner in the table, displaying key information such as pass and fail results of each scanned service, along with the type of potential vulnerability detected and CVSS score. Rows can be expanded by using the arrow on the left side to display further details.

Figure 25. GUI Test Results Table Expanded rows for more details
A screenshot showing the Test Reulst for PCs table view indicating the arrow to display further details.

In each table, an option exists to filter the data based on specific dates to analyze the results of past scans or focus on recent runs. The circle graphs update to reflect the dates selected.

Figure 26. GUI Test Results filter by timestamps
A screenshot showing how the Test and View Scan Results changes after filtering the data based on specific dates.

The refresh icon refreshes all the tables and can be used to get new data.

Figure 27. GUI Test Results Refresh Icon
A screenshot showing the location of the refresh button on the Test Result for MVS Programs view.

View Full Scan Output Report

With the GUI, you can view the full scan report that can include additional potential vulnerability details. To do so, click View Raw Report on the Test Results page to open a window that displays the unmodified results data set.

Figure 28. GUI View Raw Report Data Set Window
Start of changeA screenshot showing the full scan report view.End of change

User Action Notifications

Every user action has a notification that is assigned to it. The messages for each notification are explained in Messages. To view notifications after they are dismissed from the screen, press the bell icon.

Figure 29. GUI notification Icon
A screenshot showing the bell icon location to view notifications.

Clicking the bell icon opens a window that displays the history of all notifications.

Note: A full page reload clears the historic notification list.
Figure 30. GUI Notification Alert Window
A screenshot showing four different alert notifcation examples.