Installing the DFSMSrmm WUI

Follow these steps to install the DFSMSrmm WUI plug-in for z/OSMF:
  1. Before installation, make sure that DFSMSrmm and z/OSMF are running and properly configured by using their configuration guides.
    1. To install and configure DFSMSrmm, follow Implementing DFSMSrmm.
    2. Start of changeInstall and configure z/OSMF with RMM. In this step, the defaults and suggestions used in the following manuals are used. If customizations are made, match the replacements as they differ from z/OSMF documentation.
      1. Complete the following instructions to install and configure core features of z/OSMF:
      2. In all cases, it is recommended to modify the Common TSO Logon Proc that was created or copied during the z/OSMF Nucleus installation (default is IZUFPROC) and specified in IZUPRM as the COMMON_TSO PROC() by adding the RMM executable library to the SYSEXEC parameter.

        By default, this library is at SYS1.SEDGEXE1 but may have been customized when RMM was installed or later moved. This is required for installations that do not have the RMM Executable Library in the SYS1.SEDGEXE1 Data Set. It is not required if the library is available at the default location.

      End of change
    3. z/OSMF TSO API must be authorized to SAF. You can check the existing API Authorizations in Security Configuration Assistant tab in the IBM z/OS Management Facility Configuration Guide.Start of change
      1. In case the TSO API is not authorized, configure the TSO/E address space services. For more information, see Configure the TSO/E address space services in the IBM z/OS Management Facility Configuration Guide
      End of change
    4. Make sure that the user that is using the DFSMSrmm WUI is added to either the IZUUSER or the IZUADMIN SAF groups.
  2. Open z/OSMF in your browser and run the z/OSMF "Import Manager" plug-in. You need to be authorized to access the "Import Manager" task. For more information, see Configure the z/OSMF administration tasks in IBM z/OS Management Facility Configuration Guide.
  3. Start of change In the z/OSMF Import Manager plug in, specify the full path to the file and click Import.
    1. The standard installation path for US-based English is Start of change…/dfsmsrmm_wui/plugin-install.propertiesEnd of change.
    2. Start of changeThe standard installation path for Japanese is …/dfsmsrmm_wui/ of change
    3. Start of changeReview the selected file:

      izu.externalapp.code.root parameter is a path to directory with the plug-in's web executable files. It is not recommended to change this path, but this path should point to where your executable files have been unpacked and will remain. If needed to update, you can update this path from UNIX System Services where the file exists.

      End of change
    4. Start of changeOn validation and confirmation of paths, click Import.End of change
    End of change
  4. To use the DFSMSrmm WUI plug-in, authorize user groups IZUADMIN and IZUUSER (or your custom user group) the class of the plug-in SAF, issue the following commands.
    Refresh the z/OSMF web page to accept changes of SAF permissions.
  5. Add the DFSMSrmm WUI TSO log on procedure:
    1. Add a TSO logon procedure with member name EDGWUILP to PDS, which contains your TSO logon procedures.
    2. Add the following contents to the logon procedure.
      // DPRTY=(10,10),TIME=1440,DYNAMNBR=50
      You can also find the sample EDGWUILP logon procedure inside the SYS1.SEDGEXE1 library or the ../assets/logon/ directory of the DFSMSrmm WUI.
    3. Define the logon procedure to SAF. Sample commands:
    4. It is recommended to enable no less than 2 simultaneous TSO sessions for a user. Otherwise, the DFSMSrmm WUI might encounter stability issues.
    5. To check that the logon procedure was successfully installed, log on to the TSO terminal by using the EDGWUILP procedure. If the TSO logon is successful and no errors or prompts for user input are received at logon, the logon procedure installation is successful.

      The EDGWUILP procedure is not designed to work with ISPF.

  6. Run the DFSMSrmm WUI plug-in from the z/OSMF web interface, and open the settings tab.

    Check all settings in the web application block, except the Request limit setting. They must be the same as the settings used to successfully connect to your TSO terminal on step 5.e.

    The logon procedure name that is used must be the 'EDGWUILP' procedure that is installed in step 5.

    It is recommended to log off from other active TSO sessions for the current user.

  7. To accept TSO connection settings, click Save and reload the DFSMSrmm WUI page to finish the installation.
To update the existing installation, import the plug-in again as defined in steps 2 and 3 of the installation instructions.