Reconfiguration workflow

Start of changeThe reconfiguration workflow can only be performed on a zCX appliance version 1.26.0 or higher.End of change

Reconfiguration workflow path: /usr/lpp/zcx_zos/workflows/reconfigure.xml

The reconfiguration workflow will update a zCX instance configuration. The steps in this workflow walk through each of variable that you may reconfigure, allowing you to assign a new value. This can be done against an active zCX appliance, but the changes will not take effect until the appliance is restarted. This workflow cannot alter any properties related to disk management. Disk management is handled by the add data disks workflow.

If you would like to save your previous configurations, you should run the back up configuration workflow. This will allow you to restore your previous configuration using the restore configuration workflow should you encounter any problems after reconfiguration.

The reconfiguration workflow asks you to provide:
  1. The unique name of the zCX instance to reconfigure
  2. The zCX instance registry path, if not specified in the workflow variables input file.