Selecting a destination for zERT discovery SMF records

If you enable zERT discovery, then you can decide where you want the collected data to be recorded as SMF 119 subtype 11 records. By default, the SMF records are not written anywhere, so you must choose one of the following destinations in order to get the SMF records.

  • If you want the zERT connection detail (SMF 119 subtype 11) records to be written to the z/OS® System Management Facility for connection initiation, termination and when security characteristics for the connection change (event types 1-4), specify the SMFCONFIG TYPE119 ZERTDETAIL parameter in the TCP/IP profile data set. Note that you must also have the recording of SMF 119 records specified in your SMF parmlib member.
  • If you want the policy-driven zERT connection detail records (SMF 119 subtype 11, event type 7) to be written to the z/OS System Management Facility, specify the SMFCONFIG TYPE119 ZERTDETAILBYPOLICY parameter in the TCP/IP profile data set.
    Note: You must also have the recording of SMF 119 records specified in your SMF parmlib member.
  • If you use a network management application that consumes zERT connection detail SMF records for connection initiation, termination, and when security characteristics for the connection change (event types 1-4) through the real-time zERT Detail NMI service (SYSTCPER), specify the NETMONITOR ZERTSERVICE parameter in the TCP/IP profile data set. When this service is active, network management applications with the necessary SAF permission can connect to the service to receive zERT connection detail SMF records in near real-time.
  • If you use a network management application that consumes policy-driven zERT connection detail SMF records through the real-time zERT Detail NMI service (SYSTCPER), specify the NETMONITOR ZERTSERVICEBYPOLICY parameter in the TCP/IP profile data set. When this service is active, network management applications with the necessary SAF permission can connect to the service to receive zERT connection detail SMF records in near real-time.
    Note: If GLOBALCONFIG ZERT is not configured, then no zERT information will be collected, so even if you configure a recording destination, no SMF 119 subtype 11 records are generated.

For more information on configuring SMFCONFIG or NETMONITOR, see SMFCONFIG statement and NETMONITOR statement in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference.